Empowering Your Health Journey Healthfix: Our Approach to Your Long-Term Health

At Healthfix, our mission is to empower you for a healthier life. We understand that chronic diseases and recurring issues often lead people to use physiotherapy and healthcare as temporary fixes.Whether you’re managing a career, family, or personal health journey, our goal is to transform you into an empowered health expert, exercising regularly, completing two strength sessions per week, and setting positive health-related goals like participating in a park run.

Our Process

A key part to good healthcare is long term follow up research and categorisation of people into groups. When someone starts their journey at Healthfix we conduct a thorough assessment and set goals together on what the person is looking to achieve. We then categorise people based on whether we achieve these things together or not – did someone get a long term result after they left our care or not? This information gives us real time feedback on how we improve our service offering to ensure we are setting people up for long term success. 

Our Categorisations

  • Healthfix Empowered Health Expert (hEHE): Following WHO physical activity guidelines and setting positive health goals.
  • Designation Empowered Health Expert (dEHE): Achieved the goal of a specific condition or complaint within a service designation but left our care with a plan to achieve a more holistic health solution outside of Healthfix.
  • Self Discharge (SDC): The plan to achieve set goals was not completed and care ended prematurely.

How We Use This Information

When discharged from Healthfix each client is assigned to a category they receive a short, 1- minute survey every 3 months. This survey seeks to gain an understanding on whether the individual is thriving or still having trouble with their condition or leading a healthy life. By compiling this data into categorised cohorts or groups, we can be critical of the care that we are providing in order to deliver the most effective and time efficient solution to our customers. The information we receive help to inform:
  • Programs 
  • Timing off servicing – the benefits of intense servicing vs more drawn out approaches 
  • How much we intervene versus how much we educate. What is the best way to achieve self efficacy? 
  • Our membership offering versus one on one care offering. 
By continuously improving our approach based on your feedback, we strive to provide the most effective and time-efficient solutions for your long-term health and wellness.

The Healthfix Strength Philosophy: Strength Training Begins with Physiotherapy Rehabilitation

At Healthfix, we believe that strength training is an integral part of recovery from injury, not just an activity for the already fit.  

Healthfix Strength Philosophy

Our philosophy is grounded in the idea that rehabilitation should seamlessly transition into long-term strength training. It’s not merely about recovering from an injury; it’s about building a stronger foundation that supports all facets of life, enhancing your daily activities and ensuring your independence as you age.  It’s not just about lifting weights; it’s about crafting a robust foundation for everything you do, from playing with your kids to enjoying a park run on the weekend. Here’s how our strength philosophy supports every aspect of your life.  

Essential for Everyday Activities

Strength training enhances your stamina and capability, significantly improving your quality of life and maintaining your independence as you age. It’s about being strong for life’s great moments, ensuring you can enjoy your best days without limitation.  

Built on Expertise

Founded by Sean Cooney, a seasoned physiotherapist and strength conditioning expert, Healthfix is more than a physiotherapy clinic. We go beyond typical physio care, which often focuses only on pain relief and basic mobility. We integrate strength training into rehabilitation to not only speed up recovery but also to build lasting resilience and reduce the risk of re-injury. Sean puts it best: “Integrating strength training isn’t just about recovery; it’s about strengthening your body to prevent future injuries.”  

Overcoming Hesitations

Starting a strength training routine can seem daunting, especially if you’ve been out of the fitness loop for a while. At Healthfix, we design our programs to be both comfortable and confidence-boosting, ensuring they’re accessible whether you’re a beginner or returning to fitness post-injury.  

Creating a New Normal

With our expert guidance and supportive environment, adapting to a new fitness routine is only a matter of time. We help transition our clients from reactive to proactive health care, where wellness becomes a key component of everyday life.  

Why Strength Matters

  • Bone Health: Vital for maintaining bone density and strength.
  • Metabolism Boost: Helps enhance your metabolism, which is crucial for energy and weight management.
  • Chronic Condition Management: Active routines help manage and prevent conditions like hypertension and diabetes.

Mental Health Benefits:

  • Mental Well-being: Regular strength training can significantly alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Cognitive Function: Keeping active helps maintain an active mind, staving off cognitive decline as you age.

Explore Our Tailored Programs:

  • Restore: Perfect for those needing a gentle reintroduction to physical activity.
  • Base: Ideal for beginners and those looking to establish a solid foundation in strength training.

Your journey to strength:

As we continue to innovate and lead in integrating strength training with physiotherapy, our commitment at Healthfix remains unwavering: to empower each individual to achieve optimal health and a vibrant life. Remember, every journey begins with a single step. Whether you are recovering from an injury or simply seeking to improve your overall health, we are here to support you every step of the way. Join us, and let’s build a stronger, healthier future together.   Explore our programs and find the one that’s right for you today. Your best self awaits.
Expert Physio & Group Fitness in North Sydney

From Injury to Performance: Healthfix’s Blend of Expert Physio and Group Fitness Innovation

At Healthfix, we’re changing the game in physiotherapy here in North Sydney. We combine the know-how of physiotherapy with  group classes to help you not just recover, but truly transform your health for the better. Our goal? To help you get healthy and stay that way.

A Special Mix of Personal Attention and Group Programs

At Healthfix, we’ve crafted a health journey that combines individual physiotherapy with the benefits of  and strength training and group programs. This approach ensures comprehensive support at every stage – from initial recovery in our Restore phase, strengthening in the Base phase, to peak achievement in the Perform phase. It’s all about providing the necessary care, exactly when you need it.

Transforming Health Beyond Recovery

Our group programs are designed to enhance one-on-one sessions, creating a seamless connection between your personalised health plan and the collective progress achievable through group engagement. This structure offers more frequent interactions with your health professionals, keeping your health journey focused and effectively guided.

The Impact of Increased Exercise

A significant advantage of our method is the augmented amount of exercise you engage in each week. Regularly incorporating physical activity into your daily routine leads to greater and more sustainable health improvements, enabling you to reach your objectives more swiftly.

Every Phase of Your Journey: Restore, Base, and Perform. Exercise at Your Level

From the nurturing beginnings of the Restore phase, through the foundational development in the Base phase, to the heights of the Perform phase, every step is thoughtfully designed.

Restore Phase: Laying the Groundwork for Recovery

The Restore phase is all about setting you on the path from injury or chronic pain towards healing, focusing on:
  • Customised Physiotherapy: Tailoring plans specifically to address your injuries or conditions.
  • Gradual Strengthening and Mobility Work: Aiming to rebuild your strength and flexibility at a pace that prevents further injury.
  • Supportive Group Environment: Small group settings foster a supportive atmosphere where progress is shared and celebrated.
  • Educational Empowerment: Providing knowledge about your condition and self-care strategies to aid your recovery.

Base Phase: Establishing Your Health’s Foundation

Transitioning to building a solid health foundation, the Base phase is where resilience and strength are developed, including:
  • Expert-Led Exercise Classes: Centred on enhancing core strength, cardiovascular health, and overall well-being, safely and efficiently.
  • Functional Fitness Focus: Concentrating on workouts that elevate your everyday life and overall quality of living.
  • Adaptive Programming: Customising exercises to accommodate diverse fitness levels, allowing everyone to advance at their own pace.
  • Community Motivation: The collective dynamic of the group encourages motivation and accountability, crucial for a durable health foundation.

Perform Phase: Surpassing Your Expectations

For those aiming to exceed their limits, the Perform phase challenges you to achieve top performance, featuring:
  • Advanced Training Strategies: Employing various training methods, including strength, conditioning, and functional movements, to enhance overall physical performance.
  • Targeted Goal Achievement: Whether aiming for sports performance, personal fitness milestones, or holistic health improvements, this phase is directed at realising these ambitions.
  • Dynamic Group Sessions: Engage in classes designed to maximise your potential and celebrate every milestone in an energising, supportive atmosphere.

Join Our Supportive Community

Choosing Healthfix isn’t just about selecting a gym; it’s about joining a community committed to supporting you through every step of your health journey. With our skilled team of physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, and personal trainers, alongside the collaborative energy of our group programs, we ensure your route to health is effective, focused, and fulfilling.
low impact recovery exercises

Low Impact and Recovery Exercises

When it comes to fitness and overall well-being, exercise is undoubtedly a crucial component. But not every workout has to be high-intensity or strenuous. In fact, incorporating low impact and recovery exercises into your routine can be just as important as those high-intensity sessions. In this blog, we’ll explore why low impact recovery exercises are beneficial, how they differ from rest days, who can benefit from them, provide some specific examples to help you incorporate them into your weekly training routine at Healthfix, and discuss the joy of not needing to push yourself to the limit every single workout.


Why Low Impact Exercises Are Beneficial

Low impact exercises are activities that put minimal stress on your joints while still allowing you to engage in physical activity. These exercises offer a multitude of benefits:

Joint Health: Low impact exercises are gentle on your joints, making them ideal for individuals with joint issues or those recovering from injuries. They help improve joint mobility and reduce the risk of further damage.

Muscle Recovery: After an intense workout or injury, your muscles need time to recover. Low impact exercises provide a way to keep moving without overexerting your muscles, facilitating their healing process.

Cardiovascular Health: Low impact activities like swimming, cycling, or brisk walking can still elevate your heart rate and improve cardiovascular health without the jarring impact of high-intensity workouts.

Stress Reduction: These exercises often have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress and promoting mental well-being.

Low Impact vs. Rest Days

While rest days are essential for recovery, low impact exercises differ in that they maintain a level of physical activity without pushing your body to its limits. Rest days are typically about giving your body a break, while low impact exercises are about keeping it moving in a gentle and controlled manner.

Who Can Benefit from Low Impact Exercises

Low impact exercises are suitable for a wide range of individuals, including:

Seniors: Older adults often experience joint issues, making low impact exercises an excellent option for maintaining mobility and overall health.

Injured Individuals: Those recovering from injuries can use low impact exercises to stay active while minimizing the risk of exacerbating their injuries.

Beginners: If you’re just starting your fitness journey, low impact exercises provide a safe and effective way to build a foundation of strength and endurance.

Pregnant Women: Pregnant women can benefit from low impact exercises to stay fit and manage discomfort during pregnancy.

Athletes on Active Recovery: Even high-performance athletes can incorporate low impact activities into their training routine as part of active recovery.

Types of Specific Low Impact Exercises

To offer you a more comprehensive view of low impact exercises, let’s delve deeper into specific examples across various fitness categories:

Strength Exercises:
  • Bodyweight Exercises: These are fantastic for building full body strength without the joint strain associated with heavyweights.
    Resistance Band Work: Incorporating resistance bands into your routine helps tone and strengthen muscles while being easy on the joints.
Cardio Exercises:
  • Stationary Biking: Whether on a stationary bike or a recumbent one, cycling provides an effective low impact cardio workout.
  • Walking
  Flexibility Exercises:
  • Pilates: Pilates combines stretching and strengthening exercises to enhance flexibility, posture, and core strength.
  • Yoga : e.g. cat / cows
  • Foam Rolling: Foam rolling aids in muscle recovery and flexibility by releasing muscle tension and promoting blood flow.

Healthfix’s Group Training Schedule

At Healthfix, we understand the importance of balanced workout routines. Our group training schedule has been meticulously programmed to allow you to train five days a week, incorporating both higher and lower intensity workouts. This balanced approach ensures that you get the best of both worlds. On days when you need a break from high-intensity workouts, you can look forward to our low impact sessions, giving your body the chance to recover and rejuvenate.

Our experienced personal trainers are here to support you on your fitness journey. Feel free to speak to one of our PTs about your weekly routine. They can help tailor your exercise plan to incorporate the benefits of low impact exercises while keeping your fitness goals in mind.


The Joy of Not Needing to Push Yourself Every Single Workout

One of the often-overlooked benefits of incorporating low impact and recovery exercises into your routine is the sheer enjoyment of not having to push yourself to the limits every single workout. While high-intensity sessions have their place and are essential for progression, low impact exercises provide a welcome change of pace.

These workouts can be a breath of fresh air, allowing you to focus on moving your body with grace and control. You’ll have the opportunity to savour the sensation of exercise without the physical strain. This can foster a deeper connection with your body and a sense of mindfulness in your fitness journey.

Moreover, it’s a reminder that fitness isn’t just about reaching peak performance; it’s also about finding joy and balance in your workouts. Low impact exercises offer you the chance to savour the journey and relish the feeling of moving your body without the need to constantly push your limits.

In conclusion, embracing low impact and recovery exercises as part of your fitness routine at Healthfix can lead to numerous physical and mental benefits. Not only will you enjoy improved joint health, muscle recovery, and cardiovascular fitness, but you’ll also discover the delight of varied workouts that allow you to take a step back when needed. So, why not explore the world of low impact exercises and experience the well-rounded, sustainable approach to fitness that Healthfix has to offer?

  By Bladen Baird, Head Coach and Personal Trainer, Healthfix North Sydney.
Integrated healthcare

The Power of Integrated Healthcare & Healthfix’s Approach

In today’s fast-paced world, healthcare has evolved far beyond the traditional one-size-fits-all approach. People are seeking more comprehensive and personalised solutions to their health and wellness needs. This is where integrated healthcare comes into play, offering a holistic approach that addresses the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore the concept of integrated healthcare, discuss the success factors that contribute to positive outcomes, and delve into how Healthfix, a leader in this field, approaches this transformative model of care.  

Understanding Integrated Healthcare

Integrated healthcare is a patient-centred approach that focuses on collaboration and coordination among various healthcare providers and disciplines. Its primary goal is to provide seamless and comprehensive care, resulting in improved patient outcomes. This approach recognises that health is not solely about treating symptoms but rather addressing the root causes of health issues and promoting overall well-being.  

Success Factors in Integrated Healthcare

Several key factors contribute to the success of this approach:
  1. Team Collaboration: Effective teamwork among healthcare professionals is crucial. Integrated healthcare relies on a multidisciplinary approach where physicians, physiotherapists, dietitians, mental health experts, and other specialists work together to develop tailored treatment plans.
  2. Patient-Centred Care: Placing the patient at the centre of care is paramount. This involves active listening, involving patients in decision-making, and understanding their unique needs and preferences.
  3. Coordinated Care: Seamless communication and coordination among healthcare providers ensure that patients receive the right care at the right time. This prevents duplication of services and streamlines the treatment process.
  4. Preventive Focus: Integrated healthcare emphasises preventive care to address underlying issues and promote long-term health. This approach reduces the risk of recurring health problems.
  5. Education and Empowerment: Educating patients about their health conditions and involving them in self-management empowers individuals to take an active role in their health journey.

Integrated Care Models in Hospitals and Professional Sports Teams

Integrated care models are not limited to outpatient settings like Healthfix; they are also integral to the success of hospitals and professional sports teams.
  • Hospitals: In hospital settings, integrated care involves various medical specialties collaborating to provide comprehensive care for patients. This includes specialists, nurses, pharmacists, and support staff working together to ensure patients receive holistic treatment. For example, a patient with a complex medical condition may benefit from coordinated care involving surgeons, internists, physical therapists, and mental health professionals. This approach minimises communication gaps, reduces hospital readmissions, and enhances the patient’s overall experience.
  • Professional Sports Teams: Professional athletes often receive integrated healthcare to optimise their performance and recovery. Sports organisations employ teams of specialists, including physicians, physiotherapists, nutritionists, and strength coaches, who work in tandem to address athletes’ physical and mental needs. This comprehensive approach helps athletes prevent injuries, recover more effectively, and achieve peak performance. Integrated care in sports also focuses on injury prevention, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement, highlighting the holistic nature of the model.

Healthfix: Standard of Care for Everyone

At Healthfix we believe that the benefits of integrated healthcare should not be limited to elite athletes or hospital patients. We are committed to bringing this transformative model of care to everyone, regardless of their fitness level, health condition, or background.   Our integrated approach is accessible to all through tailored treatment plans with either standard 1:2 servicing or  Health Club Memberships. These memberships provide individuals with access to a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including physiotherapists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, and mindset coaches. This ensures that clients receive personalised care that considers their unique needs and goals.   The Health Club Memberships also grant access to a world-class gym, group classes, and discounted sessions with healthcare professionals, making integrated healthcare more affordable and attainable for a wider audience.   We have been committed to these principles for over 11 years, delivering exceptional outcomes and empowering clients in North Sydney to lead healthier, happier lives. Integrated healthcare is not just a trend; it’s a revolution in healthcare delivery that’s here to stay, and we are at the forefront of this movement, ensuring that the benefits of integrated care are accessible to everyone.

Preventing Sprains and Strains: Tips from a Physiotherapy

Musculoskeletal injuries can be a concern when increasing your exercise intensity or volume, especially during new exercise routines. To manage your training load effectively and prevent injuries including sprains and strains, consider the following tips from Caitlan, one of our Healthfix Physiotherapists:
  1. Gradual Progression: Avoid sudden spikes in exercise intensity or volume. Gradually increase the load on your muscles, joints, and connective tissues to allow them to adapt over time.
  2. Warm-Up and Cool-Down: Prioritise proper warm-up and cool-down routines before and after exercising. This helps prepare your muscles for activity and facilitates recovery. This is not just stretching but dynamic movements that are similar to the exercises you are about to complete.
  3. Proper Technique: Ensure that you’re using correct exercise techniques. Poor form can lead to unnecessary stress on your musculoskeletal system, increasing the risk of injury. If you are unsure, seek help from a trained professional to ensure you are moving correctly.
  4. Cross-Training: Incorporate a variety of exercises to avoid overloading specific muscle groups or joints. This approach helps distribute the stress more evenly and reduces the risk of overuse injuries. This includes running, swimming, cycling, weight training as well as pilates
  5. Rest and Recovery: Give your body adequate time to recover between intense sessions. Rest is crucial for tissue repair and adaptation to training.
  6. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any signs of discomfort, pain, or fatigue. Pushing through pain can exacerbate injuries. If you experience persistent pain, consult a physiotherapist or healthcare professional.
  7. Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the load, duration, or intensity of exercises within your capabilities. This promotes strength and endurance gains without overwhelming your musculoskeletal system. A personal trainer or physiotherapist can help you here if you are unsure of how to progress
  8. Flexibility and Mobility: Incorporate flexibility and mobility exercises into your routine. This enhances joint range of motion and reduces the risk of muscle imbalances.
  9. Nutrition and Hydration: Proper nutrition and hydration support muscle recovery and tissue health. Stay hydrated and consume a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients.
  10. Sleep Quality: Prioritise good sleep habits. Sleep is essential for recovery and overall health.
  11. Consult a Physiotherapist: If you’re new to exercise or experiencing discomfort, consulting a physiotherapist can help create a tailored plan that considers your individual needs and limitations.

Remember, the goal is to create a sustainable exercise routine that promotes health and wellness while minimising the risk of injuries such as sprains and strains. If you experience any issues or concerns, seeking guidance from a qualified healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist, is crucial for a safe and effective training experience.

    by Caitlan Skillicorn, Senior Physiotherapist, Healthfix North Sydney
Healthfix Staffs and coaches

Keep Healthy this Winter

Winter can be a challenging time to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The cold weather and shorter days can make it tempting to stay indoors and skip your regular exercise routine. However, it’s important to stay active and take care of your body during the winter months, so here’s our tips on how to keep healthy this winter.  

Healthfix – All Your Needs in One Place

As the cold weather sets in, it’s important to keep your body healthy and active to avoid the winter blues and seasonal health issues. At Healthfix, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle all year round, which is why we offer a range of services to help you stay active and well during the winter months. Our team of physios, exercise physiologists, and personal trainers are here to support you in achieving your health and fitness goals. We can tailor a program to meet your specific needs and help you stay motivated during the colder months. In addition to exercise programs, we also offer nutritional advice to help you maintain a healthy diet throughout winter. This can include meal planning, supplement advice, and support for weight management. To help you relieve stress and release muscle tension, we have experienced massage therapists available.    

Tips on how to stay well during winter from our team

  1. Exercise regularly: Staying active is essential for maintaining overall health and wellbeing. Healthfix offers a range of exercise options, including personal training, group fitness classes, and rehabilitation programs.

  2. Maintain a healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables can help boost your immune system and keep you healthy during the winter months. Our dietitian can provide you with tailored nutrition advice to support your health and fitness goals.
  3. Get a massage: Massage can help ease muscle tension and promote relaxation, which can be especially beneficial during the colder months when we tend to hold tension in our bodies. Healthfix’s experienced massage therapists can provide a range of massage techniques to suit your needs.
  4. Seek physiotherapy: If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort during winter, physiotherapy can help you manage your symptoms and prevent further injury. Healthfix’s team of qualified physiotherapists can assess your condition and develop a tailored treatment plan to support your recovery.

    By incorporating these services into your winter wellness routine, you can stay healthy, active, and pain-free all season long.     Don’t let the winter weather hold you back from achieving your health and fitness goals. Book an appointment with Healthfix today and let us help you stay active, healthy, and happy this winter season.

Move to Improve: How Exercise Physiology Can Benefit People with Diabetes

According to the World Health Organization, diabetes affects over 420 million people worldwide, with numbers expected to rise in the coming years. Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the way the body processes glucose, a type of sugar that is the body’s main source of energy. There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Both types can benefit greatly from regular exercise, which can help manage blood sugar levels, increase insulin sensitivity, and reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes. So read on to find out how exercise physiology for people with diabetes.  

How Exercise Can Help People with Diabetes

  1. Blood sugar management: Regular exercise can help manage blood sugar levels by increasing the body’s sensitivity to insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps regulate blood sugar levels. When the body becomes less sensitive to insulin, blood sugar levels can rise, leading to diabetes. Exercise can help increase insulin sensitivity, allowing the body to better manage blood sugar levels.
  2. Weight management: Maintaining a healthy weight is important for people with diabetes. Exercise can help with weight management by burning calories and building muscle mass. Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes, such as heart disease, stroke, and nerve damage.
  3. Cardiovascular health: People with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Exercise can help reduce this risk by improving cardiovascular health. Regular exercise can help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and improve circulation, all of which can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Using an Exercise Physiologist to Help Manage Diabetes

An exercise physiologist is a healthcare professional who specialises in the study of how the body responds to exercise. They can work with people with diabetes to develop personalised exercise plans that are tailored to their individual needs and goals. An exercise physiologist can help people with diabetes by:
  1. Assessing fitness levels: An exercise physiologist can assess an individual’s fitness levels and develop a personalised exercise plan that takes into account their current fitness levels, medical history, and any complications associated with diabetes.
  2. Providing guidance and support: An exercise physiologist can provide guidance and support throughout the exercise program. They can help people with diabetes stay motivated and on track with their exercise goals.
  3. Monitoring progress: An exercise physiologist can monitor progress and make adjustments to the exercise plan as needed. This can help ensure that the exercise plan is effective and safe for the individual with diabetes.
Exercise can be a powerful tool for managing diabetes. Regular exercise can help manage blood sugar levels, improve cardiovascular health, and reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes. An exercise physiologist can provide guidance and support to help people with diabetes develop personalised exercise plans that are safe and effective.  

How to get started with exercise

Starting an exercise routine can be daunting, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated due to your diabetes. Here are some tips to help you get started:
  1. Talk to your healthcare provider: Before starting any exercise routine, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider. They can help you determine what type of exercise is safe and appropriate for you, and can offer guidance on how to manage your diabetes during exercise.
  2. Start small: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, start with small, manageable goals. Even a short walk around the block can be a good place to start. Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your exercise routine over time.
  3. Find an exercise buddy: Having a friend or family member to exercise with can be a great source of motivation and accountability. You can also join a diabetes support group or exercise class to meet others who are also managing diabetes through exercise.
  4. Hire an exercise physiologist: An exercise physiologist can help you develop a safe and effective exercise plan that’s tailored to your individual needs and goals. They can also provide guidance and support to help you stay motivated and on track.
  5. Celebrate your successes: Don’t forget to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. Every step in the right direction is a victory, and acknowledging your progress can help keep you motivated and on track.
    By Daniel Thomson, Exercise Physiologist North Sydney    


  1. Colberg, S. R., Sigal, R. J., Yardley, J. E., Riddell, M. C., Dunstan, D. W., Dempsey, P. C., … & Tate, D. F. (2016). Physical activity/exercise and diabetes: a position statement of the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care, 39(11), 2065-2079.
  2. Chudyk, A., Petrella, R. J., & Maly, M. R. (2011). Effects of exercise on cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis. Diabetes Care, 34(5), 1228-1237.
  3. American College of Sports Medicine. (2018). ACSM’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Building Strength and Conditioning: A Guide to Achieving Your Fitness Goals in North Sydney

Building Strength and Conditioning: A Guide to Achieving Your Fitness Goals in North Sydney

Strength and conditioning is a training approach that involves a combination of training modalities to improve strength, power, speed, and overall physical performance.
This type of training is predominantly utilised by athletes across various sports to enhance their performance and reduce their risk of injury. Nevertheless, strength and conditioning is not just for athletes; it can be beneficial for anyone looking to improve their overall health and fitness.
One of the key benefits of strength and conditioning is increased strength. Resistance training exercises, such as weight lifting and bodyweight exercises, help to increase muscle mass and improve muscular endurance. This can translate to improved performance in sports, along with daily activities, such as carrying groceries, lifting heavy objects, and completing household tasks. Another benefit of strength and conditioning is improved bone health. Resistance training can help to increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, especially in women and older adults.
Strength and conditioning can also improve cardiovascular health. High-intensity exercises, such as sprinting, can improve cardiovascular fitness and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, strength and conditioning have been shown to release endorphins, which can improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety and improve mental health.
In conclusion, strength and conditioning is a training approach that can benefit anyone looking to improve their overall health and overall fitness levels. With increased strength, improved bone health, enhanced cardiovascular health, and better mental health, there are many reasons to start a strength and conditioning program.
Personal Training on Healthfix

Personal Training – How to succeed with a weight loss body transformation program

How to succeed with a weight loss body transformation program

By Bladen Baird, Head Personal Training/ Strength and Conditioning Coach, Healthfix North Sydney

Why most weight loss attempts fail

Most people fail to lose weight or stagnate after short-term success because of three main reasons:
  • You set unrealistic goals
  • You fall prey to fad diets promising quick success, and
  • You use training and exercise as a punishment rather than a celebration of what your body can do.

How to achieve success with weight loss goals

In order to achieve a long term result with a body transformation program you need to understand the fundamentals of training, nutrition and behaviour change to help you reduce body fat and take control of your long-term health.
At Healthfix, we have over 11 years of experience in helping the North Sydney community achieve long term results, rediscover their love for their bodies and increase their confidence and self esteem.
Our ten-week body composition program is built on six fundamental cornerstones:
  • Goal setting,
  • Training and exercise,
  • Nutrition,
  • Education,
  • Behaviour change
  • Accountability
The program is broken down into three phases, initially emphasising individual services and education and gradually transitioning to our group fitness program once you have the tools and education to succeed. Our highly knowledgeable and experienced coaches and clinicians will provide you with the tools and education to help you reduce body fat and the long-term habits and skillset to keep it off for good.
Your commitment   10 weeks
  • 1x 60-minute initial
  • 21x 30-minute sessions
  • 1x 30-minute interim membership check in to review goals 1 x 60min reassessment
  • 19x Group fitness sessions
  • Diet IntroFix – 1 x 60min initial plus 3 x 30min follow ups
  • Full gym and group class access
Standard Price $2,810 Members Price $2,152.50 Saving $657.50   Are you ready? Get in touch now for a free check in with one of our expert coaches to see how this program can help you achieve your weight loss goals getfixed@healthfix.com.au