Dietetics and Nutrition
Your Trusted Source for Dietetics and Nutrition in North Sydney
When it comes to making positive, long-term changes to your health and wellbeing, your diet plays a crucial role. If you’re experiencing health concerns such as lack of energy, bloating, fatigue, recurrent colds and flu, or hormonal imbalances, our experienced dietitians in North Sydney are here to help.
Why Choose Healthfix Dietitians?
Many people know what is ‘good food’ and what is ‘bad food’—but getting dietetic advice goes beyond that. At Healthfix, we provide tailored advice for everyone—from elite athletes looking to optimise their performance, individuals aiming to lose weight, mums depleted of energy, to chefs seeking guidance on their personal health journey.Separated they live in Bookmarks right at the coast of the famous Semantics, large language ocean Separated they live in Bookmarks right
Our sports nutrition experts work specifically with athletes to condition their bodies to optimise their competitive advantage. Education, experience, and science play key roles in becoming an accredited sports dietitian, and Healthfix is proud to have these experts on our team. Our dietitians stay updated with industry publications, scientific journals, and the latest research, ensuring they provide the best advice and nutritional plans to athletes of all abilities.
We pride ourselves on our athlete-centred, evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach to achieve optimal outcomes. Every session allows our sports dietitians to spend dedicated time with you, working on a nutritional plan to get you to the top of your game. Your dietitian will design and guide you through a nutritional program tailored to your specific sport or athletic needs—helping you become stronger, faster, and better at what you love to do. We also utilise the HICAPS system for automatic claims through your private health fund.
While some use the terms interchangeably, there are significant differences between nutritionists and dietitians, the major one being accreditation. Dietitians are registered with nationally recognised bodies, such as the Dietitians Association of Australia, and must abide by the National Competency Standards for Dietitians. These standards guide dietitians on how to practise their profession within different contexts, such as public service or, in Healthfix’s case, when advising individuals.
Your body composition (especially muscle mass), resting metabolic rates, gastric response to ingested food, and changes in appetite hormones (e.g., insulin, ghrelin, cholecystokinin, glucagon-like peptide-1, and Peptide YY, leptin) are all indicators to your sports dietitian regarding your particular expectations. Fluctuations in appetite are common in sports training. For best health and wellness, it’s a good idea to tune in to your hunger levels and then adjust your eating accordingly. An accredited sports dietitian can help you find this balance.