ankle injury

Stronger Ankles: Navigating the Road to Recovery from Ankle Injury

Welcome to the first instalment of our blog series on injury prevention and recovery at HealthFix. In this blog, we’ll focus on a critical aspect of your well-being: ankle health. Whether you’re an athlete aiming for peak performance or someone seeking to regain function, understanding the significance of ankle health and the role of comprehensive rehabilitation is paramount. Ankles are one of the most poorly rehabbed joints in the body, with chronic ankle instability a common occurrence after an ankle injury, so knowing how best to take care of your ankle and how best to recover from an injury is super important.


The Ankle’s Vital Role

The ankle is a remarkable joint responsible for bearing weight, ensuring stability, and facilitating movement. However, it’s also prone to various injuries, with lateral ankle sprains being a common occurrence.


Chronic Ankle Instability: An Ongoing Challenge

Ankle injuries are, unfortunately, a common occurrence, and they often have long-lasting implications for those who experience them. One of the most persistent and challenging issues that can arise from an ankle injury is chronic ankle instability. This condition can be particularly frustrating and debilitating, and it frequently stems from incomplete or inadequate rehabilitation following the initial injury. Understanding chronic ankle instability and its impact on daily life and physical activities is crucial for anyone who has experienced or is currently dealing with this condition.

The Impact on Daily Life

The repercussions of chronic ankle instability can extend far beyond the physical realm. For those affected, it can significantly impact their daily lives. Simple tasks such as walking, climbing stairs, or standing for extended periods may become challenging. The fear of the ankle giving way can also lead to a decrease in confidence and an increased risk of falls. This can limit one’s independence and overall quality of life.

Participation in Physical Activities

In addition to daily life, chronic ankle instability can hinder an individual’s ability to engage in physical activities. This is particularly frustrating for those who lead an active lifestyle or participate in sports and recreational activities. The recurring pain and instability can lead to a reluctance to participate, fear of re-injury, and a decline in overall fitness.

Moreover, without proper treatment and rehabilitation, chronic ankle instability can set the stage for further injuries. As the ankle struggles to support the body’s weight and maintain balance, the risk of sustaining new injuries to the ankle or other parts of the body, such as the knee or hip, increases.

The Importance of Rehabilitation

Understanding the long-term consequences of chronic ankle instability underscores the importance of comprehensive rehabilitation after an ankle injury. Incomplete rehabilitation is a significant risk factor for this condition. Adequate rehabilitation not only facilitates the healing process but also strengthens the ankle, improving its ability to withstand future stresses. A skilled physiotherapy team can create a tailored rehabilitation program to address each patient’s unique needs, ensuring a more complete and robust recovery.


Comprehensive Rehabilitation at HealthFix

At HealthFix, we are committed to empowering individuals to overcome ankle injuries and regain strength and confidence to return to sport or even just to be able to enjoy whatever life brings. Our approach to ankle rehabilitation is not just about healing; it’s about preventing future injuries.


What can you expect?

Initial Evaluation: The rehabilitation process begins with a thorough evaluation by a physiotherapist. They will assess the extent of the instability, any associated pain or discomfort, and the range of motion in the ankle.

Individualised Exercise Regimen: Based on the evaluation, a customised exercise regimen is created to address the specific weaknesses and imbalances contributing to ankle instability. This program often includes exercises to strengthen the muscles around the ankle and improve balance and proprioception. Common exercises may include:

  • Strengthening Exercises: These exercises target the muscles in the lower leg, such as the calf muscles and the muscles on the front of the shin. They may include calf raises, resistance band exercises, and exercises that involve ankle movements.

  • Balance and Proprioception Training: Balance exercises, such as single-leg stands and wobble board exercises, are crucial for improving the body’s awareness of its position in space and enhancing stability.

  • Range of Motion Exercises: Gentle stretching and range of motion exercises help improve the flexibility of the ankle joint. This is important for preventing stiffness and maintaining proper function.

  • Functional Training: Rehabilitation will include functional exercises that mimic activities the individual encounters in daily life or sports. This might involve walking, jogging, jumping, and pivoting exercises to simulate real-life situations.

Manual Therapy: In some cases, a physiotherapist may use manual therapy techniques, such as joint mobilisation or soft tissue massage, to alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and restore normal joint mechanics.

Patient Education: An important aspect of rehabilitation is educating the patient about their condition, proper footwear, and strategies to prevent re-injury. This includes guidance on when and how to return to sports or other physical activities safely.

Progressive Overload: The rehabilitation program should be progressive, gradually increasing the intensity of exercises and challenges as the patient’s strength and stability improve.

Monitoring and Adjustments: Regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress and make adjustments to the rehabilitation program as needed.

Functional Testing: Functional tests will be conducted to assess the individual’s readiness to return to their desired activities or sports safely.

Expert Leadership

Our programs are led by Titled Sport and Exercise Physiotherapists Caitlan and Sean.

Sean also serves as the NSW Institute of Sport’s Performance Health Manager, and brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our team.

Caitlan is the Head Physio and Strength and Conditioning Coach for an A League Women’s Football team and knows how to get you back efficiently.

Your Partner in Rehabilitation

Just as in our previous blog, HealthFix remains your partner in the pursuit of wellness. We’ve developed fixed-price rehabilitation programs that are carried out in our high-performance facility by our esteemed multi-disciplinary team.


A High-Performance Environment

Our facility mirrors a high-performance environment, equipped with a skilled integrated team and a cutting-edge gym. We provide you with the tools, guidance, and support needed to navigate the path to recovery successfully.

Commitment to Positive Outcomes

Our rehabilitation programs are designed with the sole purpose of achieving positive outcomes for you. We understand that injury management is not just about healing; it’s about ensuring your safe return to all activities.


Ankle injuries can present significant challenges, but with the right approach to rehabilitation and the support of the HealthFix team, you can emerge stronger than ever. Stay tuned for more blogs in our series, where we’ll delve into other common injuries and their paths to recovery. Together, we’ll work towards a pain-free and confident return to the activities you love.

Achieving Optimal Recovery: Physio Rehab for ACL Injuries

Living in a sports-loving nation like Australia, it’s no surprise that many individuals, both athletes and non-athletes, turn to sports as a means of recovery after surgery. However, successful rehabilitation requires a proactive and preventative approach, taking into account primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies. It is crucial to ensure athletes build up their workloads safely to reduce the risk of subsequent injuries. To achieve the best outcomes, an interdisciplinary approach is often necessary, where practitioners share the responsibility for injury management and safe return to all activities. In this blog we explore physio rehab for ACL injuries and how the team at Healthfix can help you achieve your goals.  

The Challenge of ACL Rehabilitation

Return to play after ACL reconstruction can be a challenging journey, with reported success rates as low as 65% for athletes, even with access to 24/7 care within professional organisations. The key to better rehabilitation outcomes lies in a structured and progressive postoperative rehabilitation program, combined with clear goal-setting, repeated testing, and patient education. Unfortunately, the high cost of frequent care can serve as a significant barrier to achieving these desired outcomes when using standard care physiotherapy clinics.  

Fixed-Fee Rehab Programs: The Solution

At Healthfix, we have recognised the need for athletes and non-athletes to receive the same level of care as professionals during their rehabilitation journey. To address the cost barrier and provide comprehensive support, we have developed fixed-price rehabilitation programs conducted in our state-of-the-art high-performance facility. Our programs are led by Titled Sport and Exercise Physiotherapists, Caitlan and Sean, with Sean also serving as the NSW Institute of Sport’s Performance Health Manager. At Healthfix, we aim to replicate the high-performance environment, equipped with a highly skilled integrated team and top-of-the-line gym facilities, to ensure optimal results and positive outcomes for our clients.  

Importance of High-Frequency Therapy

Research has shown that high-frequency therapy is critical for achieving optimal outcomes in ACL rehabilitation. For example, a study by Ekstrand (2011) revealed that 94% of athletes could return to their previous level of sport when provided with daily therapy, similar to what professionals receive. At Healthfix, we understand the significance of high-frequency therapy, and our fixed-fee program ensures clients have access to the services they need without financial constraints.

Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Long-Term Success

ACL reconstruction is just one example of the long-term rehabilitation process that includes joint replacements, ankle reconstructions, knee reconstructive surgeries, and shoulder reconstructions. Each patient’s journey may require different therapies at varying intensities and frequencies. By offering a fixed-fee program that provides access to a range of services, we ensure comprehensive rehabilitation that reduces the failure rates associated with joint instability and promotes overall well-being.  

Creating Motivation through Education, Goal-Setting, and Testing

At Healthfix, we understand that motivation plays a crucial role in successful rehabilitation. If you’re currently dealing with an injury, we understand that staying motivated throughout the rehabilitation process can be challenging. However, we have seen remarkable results when motivation is created and maintained through three key factors:
  1. Quality patient education: We believe in the power of knowledge. By providing you with in-depth information about your condition, the rehabilitation process, and the importance of your active participation, we aim to empower you to take control of your recovery journey. Understanding the ‘why’ behind each step can greatly enhance your motivation to commit to the rehabilitation program.
  2. Goal-setting: Setting clear and realistic goals is essential for keeping your motivation levels high. We will work closely with you to establish personalised goals that align with your needs and aspirations. These goals will serve as a driving force, giving you a sense of purpose and direction as you navigate your rehabilitation journey.
  3. Repeated functional testing: Regular functional testing is a valuable tool in your rehabilitation process. Through objective assessments and feedback, we can help you understand your current abilities and track your progress over time. This feedback will not only provide you with a realistic view of your improvements but also serve as a motivational tool, encouraging you to continue pushing yourself and surpassing your own expectations.
By providing thorough education on the rehabilitation process, setting achievable goals, and regularly assessing progress through functional testing, we keep our clients motivated and engaged throughout their recovery journey.  


Recovering from an ACL injury requires a proactive and comprehensive approach to rehabilitation. We firmly believe that a structured and highly progressive preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation program can lead to better outcomes. When combined with clear goal-setting, repeated testing, and thorough education, this approach creates an environment that nurtures your motivation and encourages you to actively engage in your recovery. Fixed-fee physio rehab programs, such as the ones offered at Healthfix, provide the solution to the cost barrier, ensuring that athletes and non-athletes receive the same level of care as professionals. With a highly skilled multidisciplinary team and a top-notch facility, we are dedicated to helping our clients achieve optimal outcomes and safely return to their desired level of activity. Don’t let cost limit your recovery—choose Healthfix and embark on a journey towards successful rehabilitation. If you’re ready to embark on a journey toward rehabilitation and regaining your physical well-being, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Together, we can overcome the challenges and achieve your desired outcomes.  


  1. Wollin, M., Thorborg, K., Drew, M., & Pizzari, T. (2020). A novel hamstring strain injury prevention system: post-match strength testing for secondary prevention in football. British journal of sports medicine, 54(9), 498-499.
  2. Blanch, P., & Gabbett, T. J. (2016). Has the athlete trained enough to return to play safely? The acute: chronic workload ratio permits clinicians to quantify a player’s risk of subsequent injury. British journal of sports medicine, 50(8), 471-475.
  3. Toohey, L. A., Drew, M. K., Fortington, L. V., Finch, C. F., & Cook, J. L. (2018). An updated subsequent injury categorisation model (SIC-2.0): data-driven categorisation of subsequent injuries in sport. Sports Medicine, 48, 2199-2210.
  4. Mooney, M., Charlton, P. C., Soltanzadeh, S., & Drew, M. K. (2017). Who ‘owns’ the injury or illness? Who ‘owns’ performance? Applying systems thinking to integrate health and performance in elite sport. British journal of sports medicine, 51(14), 1054-1055.
  5. Ekstrand J. (2011). A 94% return to elite level football after ACL surgery: a proof of possibilities with optimal caretaking or a sign of knee abuse?. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy: official journal of the ESSKA, 19(1), 1–2.
  6. Arundale, A. J. H., Capin, J. J., Zarzycki, R., Smith, A. H., & Snyder-Mackler, L. (2018). Two year ACL reinjury rate of 2.5%: Outcomes report of the men in a secondary ACL Injury Prevention Program (ACL-sports). International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 13(3), 422–431.
      By Sean Cooney, APA Titled Sport and Exercise Physiotherapist, Healthfix Founder and Caitlan Skillicorn, APA Titled Sport and Exercise Physiotherapist Senior Physiotherapist Healthfix North Sydney.

Healthy Hips: Tips for Managing & Relieving Hip Pain

Hip pain can be a challenging condition to deal with, impacting daily activities and causing discomfort and whether you’re an athlete or a weekend warrior, hip pain is a common issue that affects many people. In this blog post, we’ll explore common hip injuries and conditions that can cause pain and discomfort. Additionally, we’ll provide helpful physiotherapy tips for joint pain relief and management so you can have healthy hips!

Common Hip Injuries and Conditions

  • Arthritis: Hip arthritis is a common condition that occurs when the cartilage in your hip joint wears down over time, leading to pain and stiffness.
  • Bursitis: Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursae, the small sacs of fluid that cushion and lubricate the joints. In the hip, bursitis can cause pain and swelling.
  • Gluteal Tendinopathy: A very common condition, more common in older females, brought on by a sudden increase in activity or on-going poor biomechanics • Hip
  • Labral Tear: A hip labral tear is a tear in the cartilage that surrounds the hip joint. It can cause pain and instability in the hip. This is less common in the general population but good to look out for if you are experiencing a painful catching sensation in the hip after a fall or intense bout of exercise.

Tips for Joint Pain Relief and Management from Physiotherapy

  • Exercise: Initially gentle exercises such as stretching and low-impact activities like walking or swimming can help keep the hip joint mobile and reduce pain. Then once the acute symptoms have settled, a progressive strengthening program to improve the strength around the hip joint will help to reduce the risk of reoccurance.
  • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce pressure on the hip joint, which can help prevent injuries and reduce pain.
  • Hot and Cold Therapy: Applying heat or ice to the affected area can help reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Medication: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as paracetamol or non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Seeking Professional Help: If you’re experiencing hip pain that isn’t relieved by self-care measures, it’s important to seek professional help from a physiotherapist or other healthcare provider. They can evaluate your hip pain and create a treatment plan that’s tailored to your needs

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips

Exercises to strengthen your hips can also be helpful. 1. Hip Bridges: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips off the floor until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line. Hold for 5 seconds and then lower your hips back down to the floor. Repeat for 10-15 reps. 2. Clamshells: Lie on your side with your knees bent and your feet together. Keeping your feet together, lift your top knee up as high as you can while keeping your hips straight. Hold for 2-3 seconds and then lower your knee back down. Repeat for 10-15 reps on each side. 3. Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Lower your body down into a squat, keeping your weight in your heels and your knees tracking over your toes. Hold for 2-3 seconds and then push back up to the starting position. Repeat for 10-15 reps   Hip pain can be a frustrating and debilitating issue, but there are many strategies you can use to manage and prevent it. Remember to listen to your body and take care of your hips – they’re essential for so many daily activities!     Caitlan Skillicorn, APA Titled Sport and Exercise Physiotherapist, Healthfix North Sydney
Woman doing Exercise

Treating Patellar Tendinosis in North Sydney with Effective Physiotherapy Techniques

By Caitlan Skillicorn, Senior Physiotherapist

Patellar tendinosis, also known as jumper’s knee, is a common condition that affects athletes, particularly those involved in jumping sports. It is characterized by pain and tenderness in the patellar tendon, which connects the kneecap to the shinbone. The condition is caused by repetitive stress and strain on the tendon, leading to microtears and degeneration. If left untreated, it can progress to a more severe form known as a patellar tendon tear. However, with the help of physiotherapy, patellar tendinosis can be effectively treated and managed.   Physiotherapy for patellar tendinosis typically involves a combination of exercise, manual therapy, and education. Here are some ways that physiotherapy can help:
  1. Relative rest and activity modification: Resting the affected knee and modifying activities that aggravate the condition is important to allow the tendon to heal. A physiotherapist can recommend alternative activities that are less stressful on the tendon and help to maintain cardiovascular fitness.
  2. Stretching and flexibility exercises: Tight muscles and a lack of flexibility can contribute to patellar tendinosis. A physiotherapist can recommend stretching exercises to improve flexibility and reduce tension on the tendon.
  3. Strengthening exercises: Strengthening exercises for the quadriceps and hamstring muscles can help to alleviate the load on the patellar tendon. Eccentric exercises, which involve lengthening the muscle while it contracts, have been shown to be particularly effective in treating patellar tendinosis.
  4. Manual therapy: Manual therapy techniques such as massage, myofascial release, and soft tissue mobilization can help to reduce pain and improve tissue mobility.
  5. Bio mechanical assessment and correction: A physiotherapist can assess the patient’s gait and movement patterns to identify any imbalances or abnormalities that may be contributing to the condition. Corrective exercises canthen be prescribed to improve biomechanics and reduce stress on the patellar tendon.
  6. Taping and bracing: Taping or bracing the knee can help to provide support and alleviate pain during activity temporarily during rehabilitation. A physiotherapist can recommend the appropriate taping or bracing technique based on the patient’s individual needs.
  7. Education: Educating patients on the causes and contributing factors of patellar tendinosis is an important aspect of treatment. A physiotherapist can provide guidance on proper warm-up and cool-down techniques, as well as advice on equipment and training methods that may reduce the risk of injury.
  Patellar tendinosis is a common condition that can be effectively treated with physiotherapy. Treatment typically involves a combination of rest, stretching and flexibility exercises, strengthening exercises, manual therapy, biomechanical assessment and correction, taping and bracing, and education. If you are experiencing pain or tenderness in your patellar tendon, seek the help of a qualified physiotherapist who can develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs.

Building Strength and Conditioning: A Guide to Achieving Your Fitness Goals in North Sydney

Building Strength and Conditioning: A Guide to Achieving Your Fitness Goals in North Sydney

Strength and conditioning is a training approach that involves a combination of training modalities to improve strength, power, speed, and overall physical performance.
This type of training is predominantly utilised by athletes across various sports to enhance their performance and reduce their risk of injury. Nevertheless, strength and conditioning is not just for athletes; it can be beneficial for anyone looking to improve their overall health and fitness.
One of the key benefits of strength and conditioning is increased strength. Resistance training exercises, such as weight lifting and bodyweight exercises, help to increase muscle mass and improve muscular endurance. This can translate to improved performance in sports, along with daily activities, such as carrying groceries, lifting heavy objects, and completing household tasks. Another benefit of strength and conditioning is improved bone health. Resistance training can help to increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, especially in women and older adults.
Strength and conditioning can also improve cardiovascular health. High-intensity exercises, such as sprinting, can improve cardiovascular fitness and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, strength and conditioning have been shown to release endorphins, which can improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety and improve mental health.
In conclusion, strength and conditioning is a training approach that can benefit anyone looking to improve their overall health and overall fitness levels. With increased strength, improved bone health, enhanced cardiovascular health, and better mental health, there are many reasons to start a strength and conditioning program.

Train for FREE in 2023! January gym membership offer for new clients in North Sydney

Train for FREE in 2023! January gym membership offer for new clients in North Sydney.

Is this your year to tackle that health issue, that niggle, that “thing” that stops you from doing and being the person you want to be?   Are you ready to get started with a health journey that is flexible, fully customisable and offered in a place where you feel comfortable, supported and confident you will achieve your goals?   At Healthfix we offer so much more than your usual gym membership because we know how to achieve long term results. A team of experts working for you, all your rehabilitation, exercise and dietary needs in one place, options for 1:1 or small group training, proven structured programs such  as strength, weight loss or injury rehabilitation and full gym access: anything you are looking for we have you covered.   Our January promotion offers unbeatable value for new clients!