gym progress

A Guide to Understanding Your Progress in the Gym

At Healthfix, we understand that embarking on a fitness journey can sometimes be challenging, especially when results seem elusive. But fear not – progress is a process, and it follows a unique order. Today, we’re breaking down the sequence of results based on the insightful words of fitness expert John Romaniello so you can see progress in the gym.   

Strength Training: The Foundation of Progress 

The journey begins with strength training. As John Romaniello aptly puts it, “Strength is a skill.” Initially, your body learns to access its strength rather than increasing it outright. This is crucial in weight training, where you’re not only getting stronger but also honing your skill at lifting weights. It’s the foundational step, and every lifter experiences this phase.   

Performance: Unleashing Your Potential 

Once strength training is established, performance takes the spotlight. Your strength endurance, aerobic and anaerobic capacities, and coordination all come into play. Exposure to stress and consistent training enhances your body’s adaptability. Think of it as unlocking new levels of your own potential.   

Fat Loss Progress: The Visible Impact 

As your body adapts to stress, the next natural step is fat loss progress. While some initial fat loss occurs early on, the significant strides happen around 2-3 weeks into your program. Increased intensity and heavier weights contribute to a higher caloric expenditure. Day 25 will see much more fat loss progress than Day 1.   

Muscle Gain Tips: The Culmination of Effort 

Finally, we arrive at muscle gain. Hypertrophy, the process of muscle growth, is a meticulous journey. It demands specified training, higher training volume, and a dedicated nutritional program. Understandably, it takes time, but the results are worth the wait.   

What Does This Mean for You? 

If you’re just starting or feeling frustrated by slow progress, remember: Results REALLY Happen – In Order. Celebrate each phase, knowing that every step forward is a step closer to your goals. Be patient, stay consistent, and trust the process.    Your journey is unique, and at Healthfix, we’re here to guide and support you at every stage so that you see progress in the gym and in your every day life. Ready to take the next step? Let’s embark on this transformative journey together! 
new year challenge

Join our New Year Challenge!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey to a healthier, stronger, and revitalised version of yourself? Healthfix is delighted to introduce the New Year Challenge, our 8-Week Reboot.

The Reboot is a powerful program designed to cater to diverse health needs and transform your fitness in 2024 starting 5th February. So what do you get as part of the Reboot Challenge?   Diverse Class Styles  
  • Restore (Physio Rehab) Classes:
    • For those in the restore phase, our physio-led classes provide a supportive environment for rehabilitation. Tailored exercises and careful guidance ensure a safe and effective recovery.
  • Base (Exercise Physiology) Classes:
    • Participants working on building a strong fitness foundation will benefit from our exercise physiology classes. These sessions focus on personalised programs that lay the groundwork for enduring health.
  • Perform (Personal Training) Classes:
    • Individuals in the perform phase, aspiring for peak performance, will thrive in our personal training classes. Expert trainers will push your limits and help you achieve your fitness goals.
    Specialist Therapists  
  • Physiotherapists
    • Our Physiotherapists specialise in musculoskeletal health. They play a crucial role in our restore classes, ensuring participants recover safely and effectively.
  • Exercise Physiologists
    • Our Exercise Physiologists are dedicated to optimising your base fitness. They work closely with participants in the base classes, tailoring programs to individual needs and goals.
  • Personal Trainers
    • Our Personal Trainers bring expertise to the perform phase. They design challenging yet achievable workouts that push you towards your peak fitness potential.
  Check out more about our trainers on our Integrated Team page.    

And there’s more…

  • Expert-Designed Programs
    • Each program is carefully crafted to ensure safety and effectiveness, allowing you to progress at your own pace. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, focusing on foundational fitness, or aiming for peak performance, the Reboot Challenge is crafted to meet you where you are.
  • Realignment Support
    • The Reboot Challenge isn’t just about workouts. It’s about establishing habits that will set you up for success, with guidance from our skilled therapists.
  • Community Connection:
    • Join a supportive and connected community of individuals committed to achieving their health and fitness goals.

How to Get Involved

  • New Clients: Drop in and see us at 53 Walker Street, North Sydney, or give us a call on 02 8065 0446 or email us at We’d love to help you start your fitness journey for 2024, so get in touch for all the details of this limited time offer, starting 5th February for 8 weeks.
  • Existing Clients: Next time you are in the gym sign up at Reception, with your Healthfix trainer or therapist, or using one of the many sign-up sheets on the notice boards. There are prizes to be had for those attending the most classes during the 8 week period starting 5th February so don’t delay in signing up!

Don’t Let Anything Hold You Back

Healthfix understands that injuries or health concerns can be barriers to fitness. Our diverse team of therapists and trainers are here to guide you through the challenge, adapting workouts to suit your needs and ensure a positive and empowering experience.    

Ready to Reboot?

If you are excited about the prospect of realigning your health and fitness goals in 2024 then join us for the 8-Week Reboot Challenge, starting on February 5th, where diversity meets inclusivity, and let’s make this year your healthiest yet!
Strength Unleashed: Strength Training in 2024

Strength Unleashed: Strength Training in 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and fitness down under, one trend is poised to dominate in 2024 like never before – the explosive surge in strength training. Over the past decade, it’s quietly been transforming lives, and now, it’s set to take centre stage in Australia with a significant spike in popularity.  

The Shift in Focus

Gone are the days when fitness enthusiasts solely pursued physical transformations. Today, a holistic approach to health is taking the spotlight in Australia, and strength training is at the forefront.  

Unveiling the Benefits for Aussies

Strength training is not just about sculpting a chiselled physique; it’s a holistic wellness journey, especially tailored for Aussies. Here’s a glimpse into the multifaceted benefits that are propelling this fitness revolution for Australians:  

Bone Density Boost

In a country where maintaining bone health is crucial, strength training becomes a powerful ally in the fight against osteoporosis. Aussies engaging in weight-bearing exercises stimulate the production of bone tissue, enhancing bone density and fortifying the skeletal system.  

Cardiovascular Health

It’s not just about lifting weights; it’s about lifting the heart rate. Strength training has been proven to contribute to improved cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart disease and promoting overall well-being among Australians.  

Quality Sleep Enhancement

Aussies too can benefit from the connection between strength training and better sleep. Regular strength workouts have been linked to improved sleep quality, ensuring that bodies and minds down under reap the rewards of a restful night.  

Mental Wellbeing Support

Physical strength begets mental strength. The endorphin release during strength training sessions acts as a natural mood enhancer, combating stress and anxiety among Australians. The gym becomes not just a place for physical gains but a sanctuary for mental rejuvenation.  

Muscle Empowerment

At the core of strength training is muscle enhancement. As Australians challenge their bodies with resistance, muscles respond by growing stronger and more resilient. This not only contributes to a toned physique but also empowers Australians to tackle everyday challenges with newfound vigour.  

In 2024, the fitness landscape in Australia is witnessing a seismic shift, with strength training leading the way. With a significant spike in popularity, it’s not merely a trend; it’s a lifestyle choice rooted in the pursuit of holistic health. As the benefits continue to unfold for Aussies, more individuals are discovering that the gym is not just a space for physical transformation but a sanctuary for overall well-being. Get ready to embrace the power surge – 2024 is the year of strength, resilience, and transformative health in Australia.

  Written by Bladen Baird.
Physiotherapy for Back Pain

Why We Support Choosing Physiotherapy First for Acute Low Back Pain at Healthfix

By Caitlan Skillicorn, Senior Physiotherapist on behalf of the Healthfix Physiotherapy team

Hello, Healthfix Community!

At Healthfix, we’re committed to your well-being and providing the best care possible. Today, we want to share our perspective on a recent study that’s been making waves in the world of healthcare. It’s a study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh, and it highlights something that resonates deeply with our approach to physiotherapy and holistic care here at Healthfix.

The Study in Question

The study we’re talking about reveals a simple yet powerful idea: when it comes to acute low back pain, your initial choice of care matters. The research, published in the journal Physical Therapy, suggests that those who begin their journey with physiotherapy tend to experience shorter episodes of pain and spend less on healthcare in the long run.

Why Does This Matter to Us?

As physiotherapists at Healthfix, we’ve always believed in the transformative power of early intervention and a holistic approach to managing low back pain. This study supports our stance and offers validation to what we’ve seen in our practice every day.

Local Relevance

Now, you might be thinking, “But this study was conducted in the United States. How does it relate to my experience here in Australia?” Great question! While the study originates from across the ocean, the principles it highlights are remarkably relevant to our healthcare landscape.

Understanding the Findings

Let’s break down some of the key findings and why they matter to you as someone dealing with acute low back pain:

  1. Time to Pain Relief: The study showed that those who initially sought care from physiotherapists experienced faster relief compared to those who went down other paths (GP, Hospital or medication). This aligns perfectly with our belief that early intervention can make a significant difference in your pain journey.
  1. Cost of Care: Choosing physiotherapy care as your first step resulted in lower healthcare costs. Who doesn’t appreciate saving money while getting the best care possible?
  1. High-Cost Interventions: The study also found that those who started with physiotherapy were less likely to receive high-cost procedures. This means a potentially smoother, more cost-effective healing process as well as being more likely to avoid a surgical intervention.
  1. Opioid Prescriptions: Here’s something we’re all too familiar with in Australia—the concerns around opioid usage. The study highlights that choosing physiotherapy can reduce the need for opioids, aligning with our commitment to safer, non-pharmacological approaches to pain management.

Our Commitment to You

At Healthfix, we’re more than just physiotherapists. We’re your partners in your journey toward wellness. We’re passionate about providing not only the best care but also a holistic experience that addresses the root causes of your pain.

We understand that the traditional approach to managing low back pain may not always be the most effective or cost-efficient. That’s why we’re excited about this study—it supports our belief that early intervention with physiotherapy can lead to better outcomes for you.

What We Offer

Beyond physiotherapy, we’re here to provide a comprehensive approach to your well-being. Our services extend to health coaching, dietetics, pain psychology and exercise. We’re dedicated to ensuring that you receive the most suitable and effective care reducing the chance of needing surgical interventions, injections, or opioids.

Join Us in Shaping a Better Path

We invite you to join us in reshaping the way we think about managing acute low back pain. Let’s ask the important questions:

Why shouldn’t physiotherapists be the primary musculoskeletal providers?

How can we better integrate physiotherapy into emergency departments and primary care?

By choosing physiotherapy as your first step in your low back pain journey, you’re not only helping yourself but also contributing to a shift in healthcare that prioritises holistic wellness.


At Healthfix, we support the idea that your first choice in healthcare matters, and we’re here to provide you with the best possible care. Whether you’re already a part of our community or considering us for your healthcare needs, know that we’re here to support you on your path to wellness.

Have questions or need guidance on managing your low back pain? Reach out to us today, and one of our expert physiotherapy team members will provide the answers and support you need. We’re here to help you on your journey to a more comfortable, healthier life.
  Reference UPMC. (2023, September 26). Managing Low Back Pain. UPMC HealthBeat.
low impact recovery exercises

Low Impact and Recovery Exercises

When it comes to fitness and overall well-being, exercise is undoubtedly a crucial component. But not every workout has to be high-intensity or strenuous. In fact, incorporating low impact and recovery exercises into your routine can be just as important as those high-intensity sessions. In this blog, we’ll explore why low impact recovery exercises are beneficial, how they differ from rest days, who can benefit from them, provide some specific examples to help you incorporate them into your weekly training routine at Healthfix, and discuss the joy of not needing to push yourself to the limit every single workout.


Why Low Impact Exercises Are Beneficial

Low impact exercises are activities that put minimal stress on your joints while still allowing you to engage in physical activity. These exercises offer a multitude of benefits:

Joint Health: Low impact exercises are gentle on your joints, making them ideal for individuals with joint issues or those recovering from injuries. They help improve joint mobility and reduce the risk of further damage.

Muscle Recovery: After an intense workout or injury, your muscles need time to recover. Low impact exercises provide a way to keep moving without overexerting your muscles, facilitating their healing process.

Cardiovascular Health: Low impact activities like swimming, cycling, or brisk walking can still elevate your heart rate and improve cardiovascular health without the jarring impact of high-intensity workouts.

Stress Reduction: These exercises often have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress and promoting mental well-being.

Low Impact vs. Rest Days

While rest days are essential for recovery, low impact exercises differ in that they maintain a level of physical activity without pushing your body to its limits. Rest days are typically about giving your body a break, while low impact exercises are about keeping it moving in a gentle and controlled manner.

Who Can Benefit from Low Impact Exercises

Low impact exercises are suitable for a wide range of individuals, including:

Seniors: Older adults often experience joint issues, making low impact exercises an excellent option for maintaining mobility and overall health.

Injured Individuals: Those recovering from injuries can use low impact exercises to stay active while minimizing the risk of exacerbating their injuries.

Beginners: If you’re just starting your fitness journey, low impact exercises provide a safe and effective way to build a foundation of strength and endurance.

Pregnant Women: Pregnant women can benefit from low impact exercises to stay fit and manage discomfort during pregnancy.

Athletes on Active Recovery: Even high-performance athletes can incorporate low impact activities into their training routine as part of active recovery.

Types of Specific Low Impact Exercises

To offer you a more comprehensive view of low impact exercises, let’s delve deeper into specific examples across various fitness categories:

Strength Exercises:
  • Bodyweight Exercises: These are fantastic for building full body strength without the joint strain associated with heavyweights.
    Resistance Band Work: Incorporating resistance bands into your routine helps tone and strengthen muscles while being easy on the joints.
Cardio Exercises:
  • Stationary Biking: Whether on a stationary bike or a recumbent one, cycling provides an effective low impact cardio workout.
  • Walking
  Flexibility Exercises:
  • Pilates: Pilates combines stretching and strengthening exercises to enhance flexibility, posture, and core strength.
  • Yoga : e.g. cat / cows
  • Foam Rolling: Foam rolling aids in muscle recovery and flexibility by releasing muscle tension and promoting blood flow.

Healthfix’s Group Training Schedule

At Healthfix, we understand the importance of balanced workout routines. Our group training schedule has been meticulously programmed to allow you to train five days a week, incorporating both higher and lower intensity workouts. This balanced approach ensures that you get the best of both worlds. On days when you need a break from high-intensity workouts, you can look forward to our low impact sessions, giving your body the chance to recover and rejuvenate.

Our experienced personal trainers are here to support you on your fitness journey. Feel free to speak to one of our PTs about your weekly routine. They can help tailor your exercise plan to incorporate the benefits of low impact exercises while keeping your fitness goals in mind.


The Joy of Not Needing to Push Yourself Every Single Workout

One of the often-overlooked benefits of incorporating low impact and recovery exercises into your routine is the sheer enjoyment of not having to push yourself to the limits every single workout. While high-intensity sessions have their place and are essential for progression, low impact exercises provide a welcome change of pace.

These workouts can be a breath of fresh air, allowing you to focus on moving your body with grace and control. You’ll have the opportunity to savour the sensation of exercise without the physical strain. This can foster a deeper connection with your body and a sense of mindfulness in your fitness journey.

Moreover, it’s a reminder that fitness isn’t just about reaching peak performance; it’s also about finding joy and balance in your workouts. Low impact exercises offer you the chance to savour the journey and relish the feeling of moving your body without the need to constantly push your limits.

In conclusion, embracing low impact and recovery exercises as part of your fitness routine at Healthfix can lead to numerous physical and mental benefits. Not only will you enjoy improved joint health, muscle recovery, and cardiovascular fitness, but you’ll also discover the delight of varied workouts that allow you to take a step back when needed. So, why not explore the world of low impact exercises and experience the well-rounded, sustainable approach to fitness that Healthfix has to offer?

  By Bladen Baird, Head Coach and Personal Trainer, Healthfix North Sydney.

Embracing Change: The Transformative Journey of Health and Wellness Coaching

Let’s explore the transformative power of health and wellness coaching…  

Did you set a big goal for yourself this year?

Perhaps it was to improve your overall health, achieve a specific fitness milestone, or simply feel more energised and alive. You started with immense motivation and determination, envisioning a healthier and happier version of yourself. But then, life happened. Work demands, family responsibilities, stress, and sleepless nights started to chip away at your enthusiasm. These challenges are real, and they affect us all. However, they don’t have to be insurmountable barriers to your well-being.
  • What if you could bring conscious awareness to your daily habits and learn how to align them with your life’s demands?
  • What if you could identify the obstacles standing in your way and develop strategies to overcome them?
  • What if you could live in harmony with your core values, propelling you toward your highest good?
This is where health and wellness coaching steps in as a transformative force. It offers you a safe and supportive space to navigate the journey of change. Let’s delve into how coaching can guide you through the stages of change and empower you to live your healthiest, happiest life.    

The Stages of Behaviour Change

Before we explore the profound impact of coaching, it’s essential to understand the stages of change. Change is not a linear process; rather, it’s a journey filled with ups and downs. Prochaska and DiClemente’s Transtheoretical Model identifies five stages:
  1. Pre-contemplation: At this stage, you might not yet recognise the need for change. You may be unaware of the health issues or habits that require attention.
  2. Contemplation: In this phase, you acknowledge the need for change and start considering your options. You weigh the pros and cons of taking action.
  3. Preparation: You’re ready to take action, and you may even have a plan in place. You’re determined to make changes in your life.
  4. Action: This is where you put your plan into motion. You actively modify your habits and behaviours to achieve your wellness goals.
  5. Maintenance: You’ve made significant progress, and now your focus is on sustaining these changes over the long term.
    health and wellness coaching cycle        

How Health and Wellness Coaching Facilitates Change

Health and wellness coaching aligns perfectly with these stages of change. Here’s how coaching can be your compass on your wellness journey:

  1. Pre contemplation: A coach helps you become aware of your health and well-being. They create a safe space for self-reflection and exploration.
  2. Contemplation: Your coach supports you in clarifying your goals and values. Together, you identify what truly matters to you and what you’re willing to change.
  3. Preparation: Coaches assist you in creating a personalised plan, breaking down your goals into manageable steps. They provide guidance and motivation.
  4. Action: During this phase, a coach serves as your accountability partner. They help you stay on track, provide encouragement, and adjust your plan as needed.
  5. Maintenance: Even after you’ve achieved your initial goals, a coach continues to work with you to ensure long-term success. They help you navigate any setbacks and celebrate your victories.

The Benefits of Health and Wellness Coaching

  • Personalised Guidance: Coaching is not one-size-fits-all. Your coach tailors their approach to your unique needs and circumstances.
  • Accountability: A coach keeps you accountable for your commitments, helping you stay motivated and on course.
  • Empowerment: Through coaching, you learn to take control of your health and well-being, making informed choices aligned with your values.
  • Lifestyle Integration: Coaches help you integrate healthier habits seamlessly into your daily life, making wellness a sustainable part of who you are.
  • Mindset Transformation: Coaching fosters a growth mindset, helping you overcome self-limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering thoughts.
  At Healthfix, we’re committed to supporting you on your wellness journey. If you’ve set ambitious health goals but found it challenging to follow through, consider the transformative power of health and wellness coaching. It’s not just about achieving your goals; it’s about living your healthiest, happiest life.   Explore the possibilities of health coaching at Healthfix and take a step closer to unlocking your wellness potential. Our team is here to guide you through the stages of change, helping you make lasting improvements in your life.
Integrated healthcare

The Power of Integrated Healthcare & Healthfix’s Approach

In today’s fast-paced world, healthcare has evolved far beyond the traditional one-size-fits-all approach. People are seeking more comprehensive and personalised solutions to their health and wellness needs. This is where integrated healthcare comes into play, offering a holistic approach that addresses the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore the concept of integrated healthcare, discuss the success factors that contribute to positive outcomes, and delve into how Healthfix, a leader in this field, approaches this transformative model of care.  

Understanding Integrated Healthcare

Integrated healthcare is a patient-centred approach that focuses on collaboration and coordination among various healthcare providers and disciplines. Its primary goal is to provide seamless and comprehensive care, resulting in improved patient outcomes. This approach recognises that health is not solely about treating symptoms but rather addressing the root causes of health issues and promoting overall well-being.  

Success Factors in Integrated Healthcare

Several key factors contribute to the success of this approach:
  1. Team Collaboration: Effective teamwork among healthcare professionals is crucial. Integrated healthcare relies on a multidisciplinary approach where physicians, physiotherapists, dietitians, mental health experts, and other specialists work together to develop tailored treatment plans.
  2. Patient-Centred Care: Placing the patient at the centre of care is paramount. This involves active listening, involving patients in decision-making, and understanding their unique needs and preferences.
  3. Coordinated Care: Seamless communication and coordination among healthcare providers ensure that patients receive the right care at the right time. This prevents duplication of services and streamlines the treatment process.
  4. Preventive Focus: Integrated healthcare emphasises preventive care to address underlying issues and promote long-term health. This approach reduces the risk of recurring health problems.
  5. Education and Empowerment: Educating patients about their health conditions and involving them in self-management empowers individuals to take an active role in their health journey.

Integrated Care Models in Hospitals and Professional Sports Teams

Integrated care models are not limited to outpatient settings like Healthfix; they are also integral to the success of hospitals and professional sports teams.
  • Hospitals: In hospital settings, integrated care involves various medical specialties collaborating to provide comprehensive care for patients. This includes specialists, nurses, pharmacists, and support staff working together to ensure patients receive holistic treatment. For example, a patient with a complex medical condition may benefit from coordinated care involving surgeons, internists, physical therapists, and mental health professionals. This approach minimises communication gaps, reduces hospital readmissions, and enhances the patient’s overall experience.
  • Professional Sports Teams: Professional athletes often receive integrated healthcare to optimise their performance and recovery. Sports organisations employ teams of specialists, including physicians, physiotherapists, nutritionists, and strength coaches, who work in tandem to address athletes’ physical and mental needs. This comprehensive approach helps athletes prevent injuries, recover more effectively, and achieve peak performance. Integrated care in sports also focuses on injury prevention, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement, highlighting the holistic nature of the model.

Healthfix: Standard of Care for Everyone

At Healthfix we believe that the benefits of integrated healthcare should not be limited to elite athletes or hospital patients. We are committed to bringing this transformative model of care to everyone, regardless of their fitness level, health condition, or background.   Our integrated approach is accessible to all through tailored treatment plans with either standard 1:2 servicing or  Health Club Memberships. These memberships provide individuals with access to a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including physiotherapists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, and mindset coaches. This ensures that clients receive personalised care that considers their unique needs and goals.   The Health Club Memberships also grant access to a world-class gym, group classes, and discounted sessions with healthcare professionals, making integrated healthcare more affordable and attainable for a wider audience.   We have been committed to these principles for over 11 years, delivering exceptional outcomes and empowering clients in North Sydney to lead healthier, happier lives. Integrated healthcare is not just a trend; it’s a revolution in healthcare delivery that’s here to stay, and we are at the forefront of this movement, ensuring that the benefits of integrated care are accessible to everyone.
executive health & wellness

Executive Health – Balancing Leadership & Wellbeing

In the fast-paced world of executive leadership, maintaining optimal health and wellbeing is not just a personal choice – it’s a strategic decision that influences professional success and overall quality of life. Let’s delve into the world of executive health and balancing leadership and wellbeing.


Defining Executive Health: A Holistic Approach

This is more than just physical wellness, it encompasses:
  • Physical Health: Nurturing your body through fitness, nutrition, and regular health check-ups.
  • Mental and Emotional Wellbeing: Managing stress, building emotional resilience, and fostering a positive mindset.
  • Work-Life Balance: Setting boundaries and engaging in activities outside of work for a harmonious life.
  • Sleep and Rest: Prioritising quality sleep to recharge and rejuvenate.
  • Preventative Care: Undergoing regular health assessments to catch potential issues early.


Prioritisation: A Cornerstone of Performance

Tim, a seasoned CEO with over a decade of leadership experience, believes that “Executive Health is a cornerstone of executive performance.” For Tim, an annual assessment was more than a requirement; it became a catalyst for positive change. This comprehensive assessment underscored the organisation’s commitment to his wellbeing and professional performance. Tim recalls that as his health improved, his overall well-being and role performance saw an undeniable surge. A healthier, more resilient Tim translated to enhanced leadership capabilities and greater agility in managing his multinational business, even amidst extensive travel schedules.  


The Journey from Idea to Action

The intersection of leadership demands and personal wellbeing often presents challenges. Tim overcame these hurdles by using the annual assessment as a springboard for change. He set tangible health and wellbeing goals, integrating them seamlessly into his organisational goals. Tim’s journey involved carving out ‘no meeting’ time slots for rest and physical activity, which provided the energy, focus, and capacity to excel in a demanding environment. This ignited a ripple effect that led his leadership team to prioritise their wellbeing too. This commitment to wellbeing didn’t just benefit Tim – it transformed the entire organisation. The establishment of a company gym and health program for all staff not only boosted employee engagement but also elevated overall performance.


Strategies for Sustaining Executive Health

Tim’s personal strategies encompassed regular physical activity, including both vigorous exercise and yoga/stretching routines. His experiences underscore the need for not just physical vitality, but also fuelling energy for performance through mindful dietary choices, especially when managing the impact of frequent travel and work-related events.  


The Lasting Impact

Prioritising executive health has ripple effects that extend far beyond an individual. It can transform an organisation’s culture, productivity, and overall performance. When leaders invest in their wellbeing, they inspire others to follow suit, creating a virtuous cycle of well-being that contributes to everyone’s success.

Executive health is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for achieving professional success, fostering leadership excellence, and nurturing a healthy work environment. Aspiring leaders should remember that by taking care of themselves, they are better equipped to take care of their organisations, teams, and overall responsibilities. Prioritising executive health is not just a choice; it’s a strategic imperative.

  For more information on health and wellness coaching check out this blog by Director Ash Cooney. Or if you want to start your journey, then book an appointment with one of the team today!

Healthy Hips: Tips for Managing & Relieving Hip Pain

Hip pain can be a challenging condition to deal with, impacting daily activities and causing discomfort and whether you’re an athlete or a weekend warrior, hip pain is a common issue that affects many people. In this blog post, we’ll explore common hip injuries and conditions that can cause pain and discomfort. Additionally, we’ll provide helpful physiotherapy tips for joint pain relief and management so you can have healthy hips!

Common Hip Injuries and Conditions

  • Arthritis: Hip arthritis is a common condition that occurs when the cartilage in your hip joint wears down over time, leading to pain and stiffness.
  • Bursitis: Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursae, the small sacs of fluid that cushion and lubricate the joints. In the hip, bursitis can cause pain and swelling.
  • Gluteal Tendinopathy: A very common condition, more common in older females, brought on by a sudden increase in activity or on-going poor biomechanics • Hip
  • Labral Tear: A hip labral tear is a tear in the cartilage that surrounds the hip joint. It can cause pain and instability in the hip. This is less common in the general population but good to look out for if you are experiencing a painful catching sensation in the hip after a fall or intense bout of exercise.

Tips for Joint Pain Relief and Management from Physiotherapy

  • Exercise: Initially gentle exercises such as stretching and low-impact activities like walking or swimming can help keep the hip joint mobile and reduce pain. Then once the acute symptoms have settled, a progressive strengthening program to improve the strength around the hip joint will help to reduce the risk of reoccurance.
  • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce pressure on the hip joint, which can help prevent injuries and reduce pain.
  • Hot and Cold Therapy: Applying heat or ice to the affected area can help reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Medication: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as paracetamol or non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Seeking Professional Help: If you’re experiencing hip pain that isn’t relieved by self-care measures, it’s important to seek professional help from a physiotherapist or other healthcare provider. They can evaluate your hip pain and create a treatment plan that’s tailored to your needs

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips

Exercises to strengthen your hips can also be helpful. 1. Hip Bridges: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips off the floor until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line. Hold for 5 seconds and then lower your hips back down to the floor. Repeat for 10-15 reps. 2. Clamshells: Lie on your side with your knees bent and your feet together. Keeping your feet together, lift your top knee up as high as you can while keeping your hips straight. Hold for 2-3 seconds and then lower your knee back down. Repeat for 10-15 reps on each side. 3. Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Lower your body down into a squat, keeping your weight in your heels and your knees tracking over your toes. Hold for 2-3 seconds and then push back up to the starting position. Repeat for 10-15 reps   Hip pain can be a frustrating and debilitating issue, but there are many strategies you can use to manage and prevent it. Remember to listen to your body and take care of your hips – they’re essential for so many daily activities!     Caitlan Skillicorn, APA Titled Sport and Exercise Physiotherapist, Healthfix North Sydney

Keep Moving with Exercise Physiology: Managing Osteoarthritis Pain

Osteoarthritis is a common chronic disorder of the joints and mainly affects older adults and managing osteoarthritis pain can be challenging and overwhelming. Read on to see how Exercise Physiology can help!  

What is Osteoarthritis?

In healthy joints, cartilage covers the surface of the joint and helps to absorb shock and allows for smooth movement. With osteoarthritis, there is degeneration of the cartilage leading to stiffness, pain, and limited mobility. The most common joints affected by arthritis are the hips, knees, big toes, spine and hands. Interestingly there is a poor correlation between the severity of the condition based on imaging compared with people’s perceived pain levels. Exercise Physiologist’s can help individuals with osteoarthritis keep active and manage their symptoms. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of exercise physiology for osteoarthritis and how it can help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.    

How can exercise physiology help with OA symptoms?

Exercise physiology is the scientific study of the physiological and metabolic responses to physical activity. In the context of osteoarthritis, exercise physiology focuses on developing exercise programs that are safe and effective for individuals with joint pain and limited mobility. The goal of exercise physiology for osteoarthritis is to improve strength, joint function, reduce pain, and enhance overall physical fitness.

Exercise physiology for osteoarthritis is a holistic approach that takes into account an individual’s unique needs and limitations. The exercise program may include a combination of aerobic exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises, tailored to each person’s specific needs. Some of the benefits of exercise physiology for osteoarthritis:

  1. Reduced Joint Pain: Exercise can help reduce joint pain by improving joint mobility, reducing inflammation, and strengthening the muscles around the joint.
  2. Improved Joint Function: Exercise can improve joint function by increasing range of motion, reducing stiffness, and improving balance and coordination.
  3. Increased Muscle Strength: Exercise can help increase muscle strength, which can help support the joints and improve overall physical function.
  4. Weight Management: Exercise can help with weight management, which can reduce the stress on the joints and improve overall health.
  5. Improved Mental Health: Exercise can have a positive impact on mental health, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, which are common in individuals with osteoarthritis.

Exercise physiology for osteoarthritis is a safe and effective way to manage joint pain and maintain an active lifestyle. However, it is important to consult with a qualified exercise physiologist before starting an exercise program. They can help develop an exercise plan that is tailored to your individual needs and limitations and ensure that you exercise safely and effectively.

Managing osteoarthritis pain with exercise physiology helps individuals by improving joint function, increasing muscle strength, and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. With the help of a qualified exercise physiologist, individuals with osteoarthritis can develop a safe and effective exercise program that is tailored to their unique needs and limitations. Exercise may be challenging at first, but with perseverance, individuals with osteoarthritis can experience the benefits of exercise and improve their overall quality of life.

    By Jonathon Chellas, Senior Exercise Physiologist at North Sydney     References
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