gym progress

A Guide to Understanding Your Progress in the Gym

At Healthfix, we understand that embarking on a fitness journey can sometimes be challenging, especially when results seem elusive. But fear not – progress is a process, and it follows a unique order. Today, we’re breaking down the sequence of results based on the insightful words of fitness expert John Romaniello so you can see progress in the gym.   

Strength Training: The Foundation of Progress 

The journey begins with strength training. As John Romaniello aptly puts it, “Strength is a skill.” Initially, your body learns to access its strength rather than increasing it outright. This is crucial in weight training, where you’re not only getting stronger but also honing your skill at lifting weights. It’s the foundational step, and every lifter experiences this phase.   

Performance: Unleashing Your Potential 

Once strength training is established, performance takes the spotlight. Your strength endurance, aerobic and anaerobic capacities, and coordination all come into play. Exposure to stress and consistent training enhances your body’s adaptability. Think of it as unlocking new levels of your own potential.   

Fat Loss Progress: The Visible Impact 

As your body adapts to stress, the next natural step is fat loss progress. While some initial fat loss occurs early on, the significant strides happen around 2-3 weeks into your program. Increased intensity and heavier weights contribute to a higher caloric expenditure. Day 25 will see much more fat loss progress than Day 1.   

Muscle Gain Tips: The Culmination of Effort 

Finally, we arrive at muscle gain. Hypertrophy, the process of muscle growth, is a meticulous journey. It demands specified training, higher training volume, and a dedicated nutritional program. Understandably, it takes time, but the results are worth the wait.   

What Does This Mean for You? 

If you’re just starting or feeling frustrated by slow progress, remember: Results REALLY Happen – In Order. Celebrate each phase, knowing that every step forward is a step closer to your goals. Be patient, stay consistent, and trust the process.    Your journey is unique, and at Healthfix, we’re here to guide and support you at every stage so that you see progress in the gym and in your every day life. Ready to take the next step? Let’s embark on this transformative journey together! 
low impact recovery exercises

Low Impact and Recovery Exercises

When it comes to fitness and overall well-being, exercise is undoubtedly a crucial component. But not every workout has to be high-intensity or strenuous. In fact, incorporating low impact and recovery exercises into your routine can be just as important as those high-intensity sessions. In this blog, we’ll explore why low impact recovery exercises are beneficial, how they differ from rest days, who can benefit from them, provide some specific examples to help you incorporate them into your weekly training routine at Healthfix, and discuss the joy of not needing to push yourself to the limit every single workout.


Why Low Impact Exercises Are Beneficial

Low impact exercises are activities that put minimal stress on your joints while still allowing you to engage in physical activity. These exercises offer a multitude of benefits:

Joint Health: Low impact exercises are gentle on your joints, making them ideal for individuals with joint issues or those recovering from injuries. They help improve joint mobility and reduce the risk of further damage.

Muscle Recovery: After an intense workout or injury, your muscles need time to recover. Low impact exercises provide a way to keep moving without overexerting your muscles, facilitating their healing process.

Cardiovascular Health: Low impact activities like swimming, cycling, or brisk walking can still elevate your heart rate and improve cardiovascular health without the jarring impact of high-intensity workouts.

Stress Reduction: These exercises often have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress and promoting mental well-being.

Low Impact vs. Rest Days

While rest days are essential for recovery, low impact exercises differ in that they maintain a level of physical activity without pushing your body to its limits. Rest days are typically about giving your body a break, while low impact exercises are about keeping it moving in a gentle and controlled manner.

Who Can Benefit from Low Impact Exercises

Low impact exercises are suitable for a wide range of individuals, including:

Seniors: Older adults often experience joint issues, making low impact exercises an excellent option for maintaining mobility and overall health.

Injured Individuals: Those recovering from injuries can use low impact exercises to stay active while minimizing the risk of exacerbating their injuries.

Beginners: If you’re just starting your fitness journey, low impact exercises provide a safe and effective way to build a foundation of strength and endurance.

Pregnant Women: Pregnant women can benefit from low impact exercises to stay fit and manage discomfort during pregnancy.

Athletes on Active Recovery: Even high-performance athletes can incorporate low impact activities into their training routine as part of active recovery.

Types of Specific Low Impact Exercises

To offer you a more comprehensive view of low impact exercises, let’s delve deeper into specific examples across various fitness categories:

Strength Exercises:
  • Bodyweight Exercises: These are fantastic for building full body strength without the joint strain associated with heavyweights.
    Resistance Band Work: Incorporating resistance bands into your routine helps tone and strengthen muscles while being easy on the joints.
Cardio Exercises:
  • Stationary Biking: Whether on a stationary bike or a recumbent one, cycling provides an effective low impact cardio workout.
  • Walking
  Flexibility Exercises:
  • Pilates: Pilates combines stretching and strengthening exercises to enhance flexibility, posture, and core strength.
  • Yoga : e.g. cat / cows
  • Foam Rolling: Foam rolling aids in muscle recovery and flexibility by releasing muscle tension and promoting blood flow.

Healthfix’s Group Training Schedule

At Healthfix, we understand the importance of balanced workout routines. Our group training schedule has been meticulously programmed to allow you to train five days a week, incorporating both higher and lower intensity workouts. This balanced approach ensures that you get the best of both worlds. On days when you need a break from high-intensity workouts, you can look forward to our low impact sessions, giving your body the chance to recover and rejuvenate.

Our experienced personal trainers are here to support you on your fitness journey. Feel free to speak to one of our PTs about your weekly routine. They can help tailor your exercise plan to incorporate the benefits of low impact exercises while keeping your fitness goals in mind.


The Joy of Not Needing to Push Yourself Every Single Workout

One of the often-overlooked benefits of incorporating low impact and recovery exercises into your routine is the sheer enjoyment of not having to push yourself to the limits every single workout. While high-intensity sessions have their place and are essential for progression, low impact exercises provide a welcome change of pace.

These workouts can be a breath of fresh air, allowing you to focus on moving your body with grace and control. You’ll have the opportunity to savour the sensation of exercise without the physical strain. This can foster a deeper connection with your body and a sense of mindfulness in your fitness journey.

Moreover, it’s a reminder that fitness isn’t just about reaching peak performance; it’s also about finding joy and balance in your workouts. Low impact exercises offer you the chance to savour the journey and relish the feeling of moving your body without the need to constantly push your limits.

In conclusion, embracing low impact and recovery exercises as part of your fitness routine at Healthfix can lead to numerous physical and mental benefits. Not only will you enjoy improved joint health, muscle recovery, and cardiovascular fitness, but you’ll also discover the delight of varied workouts that allow you to take a step back when needed. So, why not explore the world of low impact exercises and experience the well-rounded, sustainable approach to fitness that Healthfix has to offer?

  By Bladen Baird, Head Coach and Personal Trainer, Healthfix North Sydney.
executive health & wellness

Executive Health – Balancing Leadership & Wellbeing

In the fast-paced world of executive leadership, maintaining optimal health and wellbeing is not just a personal choice – it’s a strategic decision that influences professional success and overall quality of life. Let’s delve into the world of executive health and balancing leadership and wellbeing.


Defining Executive Health: A Holistic Approach

This is more than just physical wellness, it encompasses:
  • Physical Health: Nurturing your body through fitness, nutrition, and regular health check-ups.
  • Mental and Emotional Wellbeing: Managing stress, building emotional resilience, and fostering a positive mindset.
  • Work-Life Balance: Setting boundaries and engaging in activities outside of work for a harmonious life.
  • Sleep and Rest: Prioritising quality sleep to recharge and rejuvenate.
  • Preventative Care: Undergoing regular health assessments to catch potential issues early.


Prioritisation: A Cornerstone of Performance

Tim, a seasoned CEO with over a decade of leadership experience, believes that “Executive Health is a cornerstone of executive performance.” For Tim, an annual assessment was more than a requirement; it became a catalyst for positive change. This comprehensive assessment underscored the organisation’s commitment to his wellbeing and professional performance. Tim recalls that as his health improved, his overall well-being and role performance saw an undeniable surge. A healthier, more resilient Tim translated to enhanced leadership capabilities and greater agility in managing his multinational business, even amidst extensive travel schedules.  


The Journey from Idea to Action

The intersection of leadership demands and personal wellbeing often presents challenges. Tim overcame these hurdles by using the annual assessment as a springboard for change. He set tangible health and wellbeing goals, integrating them seamlessly into his organisational goals. Tim’s journey involved carving out ‘no meeting’ time slots for rest and physical activity, which provided the energy, focus, and capacity to excel in a demanding environment. This ignited a ripple effect that led his leadership team to prioritise their wellbeing too. This commitment to wellbeing didn’t just benefit Tim – it transformed the entire organisation. The establishment of a company gym and health program for all staff not only boosted employee engagement but also elevated overall performance.


Strategies for Sustaining Executive Health

Tim’s personal strategies encompassed regular physical activity, including both vigorous exercise and yoga/stretching routines. His experiences underscore the need for not just physical vitality, but also fuelling energy for performance through mindful dietary choices, especially when managing the impact of frequent travel and work-related events.  


The Lasting Impact

Prioritising executive health has ripple effects that extend far beyond an individual. It can transform an organisation’s culture, productivity, and overall performance. When leaders invest in their wellbeing, they inspire others to follow suit, creating a virtuous cycle of well-being that contributes to everyone’s success.

Executive health is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for achieving professional success, fostering leadership excellence, and nurturing a healthy work environment. Aspiring leaders should remember that by taking care of themselves, they are better equipped to take care of their organisations, teams, and overall responsibilities. Prioritising executive health is not just a choice; it’s a strategic imperative.

  For more information on health and wellness coaching check out this blog by Director Ash Cooney. Or if you want to start your journey, then book an appointment with one of the team today!

Personal Training Tips for Netball Players

Netball is a fast-paced and popular team sport that requires high levels of agility, speed, and endurance. While the sport comes with inherent risks, research suggests that proper preparation and training can significantly reduce the risk of injury. In this article, Amy provides Personal Training tips for netball players, so you can get the most out of your netball training and preparation.  

Get Ready to Dominate the Court: A Guide to Plyometrics, Strength Training, and Conditioning

As a netball player, it’s important to not only practice your skills on the court but also work on your strength and conditioning off the court. Plyometric exercises, strength training exercises, and conditioning drills are all key components of a well-rounded training program for netball players. Plyometric exercises involve explosive movements that can improve power and agility on the court. These exercises can help you develop faster reaction times, better jumping ability, and stronger legs. Some examples of plyometric exercises that are specific to netball include jumping drills and lateral hops.
  • Jumping drills can include exercises like squat jumps, where you squat down and then jump as high as you can, or tuck jumps, where you jump and bring your knees up towards your chest. These exercises can help improve your vertical jump, which is important for rebounds and intercepts.
  • Lateral hops involve jumping side to side and can help improve your lateral movement, which is important for defending and changing direction quickly on the court. To perform lateral hops, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and jump sideways, landing on the opposite foot. Repeat this movement side to side as quickly as you can.
Strength training exercises are also important for netball players, as they need strength in their legs, core, and upper body to perform at their best. Some examples of exercises that target these areas include squats, lunges, planks, push-ups, and rows.
  •   Squats and lunges can help improve leg strength, which is important for jumping and running on the court. Planks can help improve core strength, which is important for stability and balance. Push-ups and rows can help improve upper body strength, which is important for passing and shooting.
Finally, conditioning drills are crucial for netball players as the sport requires players to have good cardiovascular endurance. Examples of conditioning drills that can improve endurance and fitness include shuttle runs, sprints, and interval training.
  • Shuttle runs involve running back and forth between two points, while sprints involve running as fast as you can for short bursts. Interval training involves alternating periods of high-intensity exercise with periods of rest or lower intensity exercise. These drills can help improve your stamina and help you keep up with the fast pace of the game.

Avoiding Injury on the Netball Court: Tips for Preparation

In addition to these training tips, there are specific strategies you can use to prevent injuries while playing netball. According to a study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, ankle sprains are the most common injury in netball players, accounting for approximately 20% of all injuries. However, the study also found that the use of ankle braces and regular proprioception training (exercises that improve balance and coordination) can reduce the incidence of ankle sprains by up to 50%. Knee injuries are also common in netball players, particularly ACL tears. However, research suggests that strengthening exercises for the hips, knees, and ankles can help prevent these injuries. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that a neuromuscular training program (which included exercises to improve balance, jumping, and landing techniques) reduced the incidence of ACL injuries in female athletes by up to 72%. To reduce the risk of finger injuries, coaches should focus on teaching proper catching and throwing techniques. These techniques can help players avoid jammed or dislocated fingers, which are common injuries in netball. Lastly, shoulder injuries can occur in netball players due to the repetitive overhead throwing motion involved in the sport. To prevent these injuries, it’s important to regularly strengthen the shoulder muscles and use proper throwing technique. Exercises like shoulder presses, lateral raises, and reverse flys can help strengthen the shoulder muscles and improve performance on the court. In summary, proper preparation and training can significantly reduce the risk of injury in netball players. Incorporating exercises like plyometrics, strength training, and conditioning drills can help improve overall performance on the court, while also reducing the likelihood of injury. Additionally, focusing on proper technique and using protective equipment like ankle braces can further reduce the risk of injury in netball players.   By taking the time to properly prepare for the physical demands of netball, players can enjoy the sport while also minimising the risk of injury.   So, whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, remember to prioritise your training and safety on the court. If you want to arrange an appointment with a personal trainer to help with your netball progress, book here. Good luck and have fun playing netball!       By Amy Yeoland, Personal Trainer Healthfix North Sydney

Move to Improve: How Exercise Physiology Can Benefit People with Diabetes

According to the World Health Organization, diabetes affects over 420 million people worldwide, with numbers expected to rise in the coming years. Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the way the body processes glucose, a type of sugar that is the body’s main source of energy. There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Both types can benefit greatly from regular exercise, which can help manage blood sugar levels, increase insulin sensitivity, and reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes. So read on to find out how exercise physiology for people with diabetes.  

How Exercise Can Help People with Diabetes

  1. Blood sugar management: Regular exercise can help manage blood sugar levels by increasing the body’s sensitivity to insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps regulate blood sugar levels. When the body becomes less sensitive to insulin, blood sugar levels can rise, leading to diabetes. Exercise can help increase insulin sensitivity, allowing the body to better manage blood sugar levels.
  2. Weight management: Maintaining a healthy weight is important for people with diabetes. Exercise can help with weight management by burning calories and building muscle mass. Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes, such as heart disease, stroke, and nerve damage.
  3. Cardiovascular health: People with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Exercise can help reduce this risk by improving cardiovascular health. Regular exercise can help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and improve circulation, all of which can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Using an Exercise Physiologist to Help Manage Diabetes

An exercise physiologist is a healthcare professional who specialises in the study of how the body responds to exercise. They can work with people with diabetes to develop personalised exercise plans that are tailored to their individual needs and goals. An exercise physiologist can help people with diabetes by:
  1. Assessing fitness levels: An exercise physiologist can assess an individual’s fitness levels and develop a personalised exercise plan that takes into account their current fitness levels, medical history, and any complications associated with diabetes.
  2. Providing guidance and support: An exercise physiologist can provide guidance and support throughout the exercise program. They can help people with diabetes stay motivated and on track with their exercise goals.
  3. Monitoring progress: An exercise physiologist can monitor progress and make adjustments to the exercise plan as needed. This can help ensure that the exercise plan is effective and safe for the individual with diabetes.
Exercise can be a powerful tool for managing diabetes. Regular exercise can help manage blood sugar levels, improve cardiovascular health, and reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes. An exercise physiologist can provide guidance and support to help people with diabetes develop personalised exercise plans that are safe and effective.  

How to get started with exercise

Starting an exercise routine can be daunting, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated due to your diabetes. Here are some tips to help you get started:
  1. Talk to your healthcare provider: Before starting any exercise routine, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider. They can help you determine what type of exercise is safe and appropriate for you, and can offer guidance on how to manage your diabetes during exercise.
  2. Start small: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, start with small, manageable goals. Even a short walk around the block can be a good place to start. Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your exercise routine over time.
  3. Find an exercise buddy: Having a friend or family member to exercise with can be a great source of motivation and accountability. You can also join a diabetes support group or exercise class to meet others who are also managing diabetes through exercise.
  4. Hire an exercise physiologist: An exercise physiologist can help you develop a safe and effective exercise plan that’s tailored to your individual needs and goals. They can also provide guidance and support to help you stay motivated and on track.
  5. Celebrate your successes: Don’t forget to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. Every step in the right direction is a victory, and acknowledging your progress can help keep you motivated and on track.
    By Daniel Thomson, Exercise Physiologist North Sydney    


  1. Colberg, S. R., Sigal, R. J., Yardley, J. E., Riddell, M. C., Dunstan, D. W., Dempsey, P. C., … & Tate, D. F. (2016). Physical activity/exercise and diabetes: a position statement of the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care, 39(11), 2065-2079.
  2. Chudyk, A., Petrella, R. J., & Maly, M. R. (2011). Effects of exercise on cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis. Diabetes Care, 34(5), 1228-1237.
  3. American College of Sports Medicine. (2018). ACSM’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Keep Moving with Exercise Physiology: Managing Osteoarthritis Pain

Osteoarthritis is a common chronic disorder of the joints and mainly affects older adults and managing osteoarthritis pain can be challenging and overwhelming. Read on to see how Exercise Physiology can help!  

What is Osteoarthritis?

In healthy joints, cartilage covers the surface of the joint and helps to absorb shock and allows for smooth movement. With osteoarthritis, there is degeneration of the cartilage leading to stiffness, pain, and limited mobility. The most common joints affected by arthritis are the hips, knees, big toes, spine and hands. Interestingly there is a poor correlation between the severity of the condition based on imaging compared with people’s perceived pain levels. Exercise Physiologist’s can help individuals with osteoarthritis keep active and manage their symptoms. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of exercise physiology for osteoarthritis and how it can help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.    

How can exercise physiology help with OA symptoms?

Exercise physiology is the scientific study of the physiological and metabolic responses to physical activity. In the context of osteoarthritis, exercise physiology focuses on developing exercise programs that are safe and effective for individuals with joint pain and limited mobility. The goal of exercise physiology for osteoarthritis is to improve strength, joint function, reduce pain, and enhance overall physical fitness.

Exercise physiology for osteoarthritis is a holistic approach that takes into account an individual’s unique needs and limitations. The exercise program may include a combination of aerobic exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises, tailored to each person’s specific needs. Some of the benefits of exercise physiology for osteoarthritis:

  1. Reduced Joint Pain: Exercise can help reduce joint pain by improving joint mobility, reducing inflammation, and strengthening the muscles around the joint.
  2. Improved Joint Function: Exercise can improve joint function by increasing range of motion, reducing stiffness, and improving balance and coordination.
  3. Increased Muscle Strength: Exercise can help increase muscle strength, which can help support the joints and improve overall physical function.
  4. Weight Management: Exercise can help with weight management, which can reduce the stress on the joints and improve overall health.
  5. Improved Mental Health: Exercise can have a positive impact on mental health, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, which are common in individuals with osteoarthritis.

Exercise physiology for osteoarthritis is a safe and effective way to manage joint pain and maintain an active lifestyle. However, it is important to consult with a qualified exercise physiologist before starting an exercise program. They can help develop an exercise plan that is tailored to your individual needs and limitations and ensure that you exercise safely and effectively.

Managing osteoarthritis pain with exercise physiology helps individuals by improving joint function, increasing muscle strength, and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. With the help of a qualified exercise physiologist, individuals with osteoarthritis can develop a safe and effective exercise program that is tailored to their unique needs and limitations. Exercise may be challenging at first, but with perseverance, individuals with osteoarthritis can experience the benefits of exercise and improve their overall quality of life.

    By Jonathon Chellas, Senior Exercise Physiologist at North Sydney     References
  1. Fransen, M., McConnell, S., Harmer, A. R., Van der Esch, M., Simic, M., & Bennell, K. L. (2015). Exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee: a Cochrane systematic review. British journal of sports medicine, 49(24), 1554-1557
  2. Brosseau, L., Taki, J., Desjardins, B., Thevenot, O., Fransen, M., Wells, G. A., … & Toupin-April, K. (2015). The Ottawa panel clinical practice guidelines for the management of knee osteoarthritis: Part one: Introduction, and mind-body exercise programs. Clinical rehabilitation, 29(11), 1061-1075.
  3. Uthman, O. A., van der Windt, D. A., Jordan, J. L., Dziedzic, K. S., Healey, E. L., & Peat, G. M. (2014). Exercise for lower limb osteoarthritis: systematic review incorporating trial sequential analysis and network meta-analysis. Bmj, 348, f5555.
  4. Porcheret, M., Jordan, K., Jinks, C., Croft, P., & Bedson, J. (2010). Primary care treatment of knee pain—a survey in older adults. Rheumatology, 49(11), 2214-2220.

Effective Exercises for Shoulder Pain for Older Women

Shoulder pain for older women can become a real plight, but it’s not all bad news. Read on for advice on how to be free of shoulder pain.  

How to manage pain with physiotherapy

As women age, shoulder pain can become a more common occurrence. Whether it is due to hormone-related changes or simply wear and tear from years of use, there are several things that women over 50 can do to alleviate their shoulder pain and get back to their normal activities. Here are some physiotherapy tips tailored to women over 50 for treating shoulder pain:
  1. Relative rest: It’s important to rest the affected area and avoid any activities that cause pain or discomfort. Women over 50 should be especially careful with lifting heavy objects or performing overhead activities that may exacerbate shoulder pain.
  2. Ice or Heat: Applying ice or heat to the affected area can help to alleviate pain and discomfort. Women over 50 should be mindful of any skin changes or decreased sensation that may occur with age, and apply ice or heat for shorter periods of time or with a protective barrier.
  3. Shoulder Exercises: Specific shoulder exercises can help to strengthen the muscles around the joint and improve range of motion. Women over 50 may benefit from exercises that focus on improving posture and balance as well as strengthening the rotator cuff muscles.
  4. Posture Correction: Poor posture can contribute to shoulder pain. A physiotherapist can assess your posture and recommend exercises to help correct any imbalances that may be contributing to your pain. Women over 50 may be especially prone to developing kyphosis (rounded shoulders) and may need exercises to address this issue.
  5. Manual Therapy: Manual therapy techniques such as massage and mobilisation can help to relieve pain and improve range of motion. These techniques should only be performed by a qualified physiotherapist.
  6. Anti-inflammatory Medications: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help to reduce pain and inflammation in the shoulder. Women over 50 should be cautious with taking medications and only use them under the guidance of a healthcare professional and should only be used for short periods.

General Shoulder Pain Exercises

One of the best ways to do this is through targeted exercises that strengthen and stretch the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint. Your physiotherapist can work with you to create a personalised exercise plan that addresses your unique needs and goals. Some exercises that may be beneficial for shoulder pain include:
  1. Shoulder blade squeeze: Sit or stand up straight, then pull your shoulder blades together and hold for five seconds. Release and repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Wall push-up: Stand facing a wall with your arms extended at shoulder height, then slowly bend your elbows to lower your body towards the wall. Push back up to the starting position and repeat 10-15 times.
  3. Resistance band rotations: Hold a resistance band with both hands and raise your arms to shoulder height. Rotate your arms to the right and left, keeping your elbows straight, and repeat 10-15 times.
  4. Sleeper stretch: Lie on your side with your affected arm resting on a pillow at shoulder height. Gently press your affected hand towards the bed, stretching your shoulder, and hold for 15-30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times on each side.
These exercises, along with others recommended by your physiotherapist, can help alleviate shoulder pain and improve mobility. If you’re experiencing shoulder pain in North Sydney, don’t hesitate to seek the advice of a physiotherapist to get started on the path to pain-free movement.      
By Caitlan Skillicorn, Senior Physiotherapist

Transform Your Fitness Journey: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Choose the Perfect Personal Trainer (PT) in North Sydney

Are you looking to improve your health and achieve your fitness goals?

Consider hiring a personal trainer in North Sydney. A personal trainer can help create a training program with you that is tailored to your individual goals and needs; while providing you with the motivation and accountability, you need to stay on track.
One of the biggest benefits of working with a personal trainer is the expertise and knowledge they bring to the table. A good personal trainer will have a deep understanding of exercise physiology and how the body works, and they will be able to help create a training program with you that maximises your results while minimising your risk of injury.
Another benefit of working with a personal trainer is the accountability they provide. By scheduling regular training sessions, you will be more likely to stick to your program and make progress towards your goals. Your trainer will also be there to provide guidance and support along the way, helping you stay motivated and on track.
If you’re looking for a personal trainer in North Sydney, there are plenty of options to choose from. Be sure to do your research and find a trainer who has experience working with clients who have similar goals and needs as you. A good trainer will also be able to provide references and testimonials from past clients, so you can feel confident in your decision.
Don’t let a lack of motivation or knowledge hold you back from improving your health and achieving your fitness goals. Hire a personal trainer in North Sydney and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.
If you are ready to start your fitness journey today, check out our experienced team.

Spring into Action – 6 week Fitness and Weight Loss Challenge

Spring into Action!

Six weeks to set you up for your fittest summer yet!   Spring has arrived and with it comes the best time in the year for new beginnings.  We see this in nature where everything comes to life, there is renewal, vitality and abundance all around us. It is the perfect time to start something new especially when it comes to your health and fitness goals.   As human beings we are creatures of habit and routine, and often we don’t realise when we develop a pattern of behaviour that doesn’t serve our long term health, it simply becomes the new normal of what we accept. Whether it be ageing, injury or lifestyle related, to help us create change we need to make the actions required super simple and super effective.  We find that most people have an idea of what they want when it comes to their health and fitness, they just need help with “the how”.   We have made this easy for you : Our Spring Fit promotion gives you unbeatable value. What you get:
  1. PT IntroFix – Initial 60mins
  2. 3x follow up PT sessions
  3. Diet Seminar: Fat Loss – 1 hour
  4. 5 x 30min Nutrition Classes
  5. Unlimited Group Classes
  6. Unlimited Gym Access
  7. Expert team and support on your journey
All for just $590 (Valued at $1,030)   * Bonus DEXA scan at BODYMEASURE before and after your challenge for an additional $150     Limited spaces available so please register your interest to before 30th September.  
The new Healthfix Lifestyle Club inNorth Sydney

Flexibility and Fitness: Exploring Class Passes and Group Class Programs for Your Health Journey

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the time and motivation to prioritise our health and fitness can be a challenge. However, the key to a successful fitness journey often lies in flexibility. Healthfix understands the demands of your busy lifestyle and has introduced innovative solutions to make achieving your health goals more accessible and enjoyable than ever.
Let’s delve into the world of flexible training options, particularly Class Passes and Group Class Programs, and discover how they can revolutionise your approach to fitness.

The Power of Class Passes:

1. Flexibility in Scheduling:

One of the major benefits of Class Passes is the freedom to attend classes on your terms. With no rigid commitments, you have the flexibility to choose classes that align with your schedule. Whether you’re an early riser or a night owl, there’s always a class available to accommodate your preferences.

2. Cost-Effective:

Class Passes provide an economical approach to fitness, allowing you to pay for the classes you attend without committing to a long-term membership.

Group Class Programs:

1. Community and Support:

Embarking on a fitness journey can be daunting, but with Healthfix’s Group Class Programs, you’ll find a supportive community that shares your goals. Group classes foster a sense of camaraderie, making your workouts more enjoyable and motivating. The shared experience of pushing through challenges creates a supportive environment that enhances your commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

2. Structured Progression:

Structured Group Class Programs provide a systematic approach to fitness. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, these programs cater to all levels, ensuring a well-rounded and progressive training experience. Trained instructors guide you through each session, helping you perfect your form and achieve optimal results.

3. Accountability:

Consistency is key to any fitness journey, and Group Class Programs offer a built-in accountability system. Knowing that your fellow classmates and instructors expect to see you at each session can be a powerful motivator. This sense of accountability helps you stay committed and on track toward achieving your fitness goals. As you embark on your fitness journey with HealthFix’s Class Passes and Group Class Programs, remember this: flexibility is the key to sustainable health. The freedom to choose, the camaraderie of group classes, and the support of a community – these are not just fitness options; they’re your passport to a lifestyle that celebrates your well-being. So, why wait? Embrace the flexibility, savour the variety, and let HealthFix be your compass on this exhilarating adventure towards a healthier, happier you. Your fitness revolution begins now!