- With a FREE trial to make sure that we are the right fit for each other.
- Using a Class Pass which you can prepay 10 – 20 classes at a discounted rate
- As a part of our health club membership where all classes are free and you can receive the added benefits of discounted one on one sessions with our other services as well as being allocated a mentor to help you navigate remaining in optimal health at this important time in your life.
Try Yoga @ Healthfix!
Did you know that Healthfix offers Yoga classes for our community? Yoga is a broad system encompassing philosophy, physical movement, meditation and daily living – and that’s really just scratching the surface. What sets the physical practice of yoga apart from other disciplines such as Pilates is that yoga is strongly introspective, which can, for some people, transcend to an energetic or spiritual awakening. Yoga is all about calming the mind and obtaining clarity of thoughts, which helps us live a more joyful life.
What sets Healthfix apart from other yoga studios is that we pride ourselves on our client centred, evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach to achieve optimal client outcomes. Every yoga class allows for our accredited yoga instructors to take the time to attend to each student’s development and form, ensuring you get the most out of your time on the mat. Healthfix’s team of professionals work together to get you to your fittest, at your pace.
That’s why we have listened to our community’s requests and developed two new yoga classes!
Introducing Yoga Flow. A class where you can move with your breath and create space in your body and mind. Classes integrate traditional yoga postures with functional movements, that are designed to address common areas of tension and weakness. Many options are provided so that you experience a level of challenge that is appropriate for you, allowing you to safely progress your practice and build awareness. You will leave feeling balanced and connected to mind and body. No props required, all fitness levels are welcome. This class is held on Tuesdays at 6PM
Introducing Yoga Revive. A restorative class focusing on supported and relaxing postures that allow the body release, and the mind to unwind. This practice relieves tension in tight muscles you didn’t even know were tight! A focus on deep breathing allows the mind to find a meditative state. This is very calming for the nervous system, thereby supporting you in times of stress. Props include supporting materials like yoga blocks, cushions, pillows, and a blanket. You want to be as comfortable and cosy as possible! This class is held on Fridays at 6PM
Ready to try a class? Our yoga classes are held on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6PM over zoom during this lockdown. The perfect time to wind down from work and settle in for the night.
There are 3 ways to get started in our Yoga classes;